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Sep 12, 2012 at 7:32 PM
Sep 20, 2010
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Forerunner, from FL

firedrone8 was last seen:
Sep 12, 2012
    1. xECLIPSEx
      MY ramps reach up to the next story, so how much of that infection map have you finished?
    2. xECLIPSEx
      I will be on tuesday of next week, and I will be on for two weeks IF im not out with my lady frand. Anyways I also got a new infection map you will like, and you can help me with "Drone" I've only got a small part of it done, also DON'T EDIT COORDINATE EVERYTHING, It's not gonna be all smooth and perfect if you do :P ALSO im working on a map called Windbreaker and I haven't gotten a solid base plan down, It's a BTB map, wanna help out?
    3. xECLIPSEx
      Ok, but anyways I have a new map Im making called "Drone" thought I should at least name one after you after those many hours of painstaking forges we did :P
    4. Ociee
      **** you guy.
      $5 dollars is cheap price for such a luxurious gazebo.
    5. GameTime49
      yea i got black ops though i dont like playing it i will for this
    6. GameTime49
      you can start the map and i join in whenever i can and keep the masterpeice on the road to perfection
    7. GameTime49
      i cant do anything during the day on Saturday cuz i gotta go to ohio for the day but ill be on later and that sunday

      add me on xbox live
    8. GameTime49
      i saw your signature about wanting to have a forge buddy

      im game for that
    9. Hogframe
      Tell you the truth, I'm not a big enough CoD fan to dish out $60 each year for what's basically the same game as every other CoD before it. I have however, tried a concentration camp style map. It didn't work out that well, though. My advice would be to try and make the map very professionaly, and not at all in a "hey, look at these cool things/features". People tend to freak out when you don't take something like the Holocaust seriously. I personally don't think I'd be interested in helping. I'm busy with life now, and don't really have that much time to get on the box.

    10. dlimcher
      hey about beaver creek... we should probably get rid of the spaceship since its not like the original and since resemblance is what we are trying to accomplish. We also need to definitely add support for the different gametypes, the sniper ramp is not right... i looked at some videos and when you are going up it bends to the left so that you cannot see the sniper platform till you are all the way up there... ill explain more later...
    11. dlimcher
      ok... ill try to be up around 8:30 central time...
    12. dlimcher
      ok... ill see about tomorrow... did you mean 8 in the morning??? btw... do you have xbconnect for your old xbox??? that way we can both play halo 2 for spawning and other stuff.
    13. dlimcher
      wanna forge on beaver creek right now??
    14. Hogframe
      The one that I'm making? It's sort of a secret, but I'd be willing to show you. It's meant to play a gametype that most people consider broken, but I think I might have found a few ways to fix it. Do you have Halo 3? If you do, I'd be willing to show you exactly what I mean by that.

      As for Killmore's map, it's a work in progress where you have to destroy objectives in, on and around an enemy ship to advance. It combines actual Invasion "objectives" with switches you need to activate to reach those objectives. This leads to small, group-based battles that culminate at the end of every Phase. It was working out pretty well last time I checked on it.
    15. Hogframe
      Dr.Killmore already made it. Or, at least something very similair. Now, I know that's no reason to not make it, but I'm actually making my own map at the moment. I should finish it up in a few days (assuming I don't just give up), but untill then I'm going to have to remain completely focused on that map alone.

      I'll be happy to help you after I'm done though, assuming you don't already find someone.
    16. Hogframe
      Rifte already made it. Lawl : P
    17. Hogframe
      Meh, no problem. I'm willing to try a little bit of everything.
    18. Hogframe
      I hear you have a plethora of maps to finish.
      I also hear that I like finishing maps.

      Wait a minute...

      If you'd like, add my gamertag (hassanq) and hit me up with some of those maps.
    19. Torch105
      No worries, when ever you got time. Real life still comes first right? Thanks again for testing it.
    20. Torch105
      Could I ask a favor? I need someone to test verson 2 of the silent Cartographer. Normally I would do it myself, but most of my friends are playing black ops or not online. If you could that would be great. If not no worries. I'll find someway to test it.

      Heres a link to the map
      and a link to the gametype. Thanks, Torch105.
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