Felipe dos
Last Activity:
Nov 9, 2020 at 5:51 PM
Jul 15, 2008
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Jul 7, 1992 (Age: 32)
Greeley, Colorado
other stuff

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Felipe dos

Ancient, from Greeley, Colorado

Senior Member
Felipe dos was last seen:
Nov 9, 2020
    1. ScarFac3d
      If it exists, there's porn of it.

      Rule #35: If there is not yet porn of it, it is in the process of being made.
    2. Something.
      Tell me about it. I'm going through a double whammy of Grade 12 english and advanced functions. Not to mention getting a part time job to fund the somethingggg needs a new xbox charity. If all goes well, I'll be getting a call in the next few days.
    3. ScarFac3d
    4. De Wy El Ay En
      De Wy El Ay En
      lmao, it takes everone a minute or two before they get it lmao.

      like my friend made his gamertag- Es Ee Ay En you get it? lol SEAN
    5. ScarFac3d
    6. Something.
      Sorry for the RROD thread.
    7. Debo37
      I don't think an open discussion is a problem at the moment. If we're all going to be staffing it and running the place we may as well discuss what we choose in that group while it's still private and then move our discussions like that to the Staff group when the grand opening of TCE happens. Of course, we'll have a little thread cleanup to do once the opening comes about, but at the moment I don't see discussion as a problem.
    8. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      the memories of that show
    9. drak
      spider's leg to the right of head, down to the opening in the building I BELIEVE to the right of the flag start point. When you jump, you slightly curve, and the barrier inbetween above map and below barrier slows you down to get underneath the roof, 3-4 steps away from the teleporter ;)

      Well, I spent hours jumping around that map so I guess it came in the 7th or 8th hour haha
    10. thesilencebroken
      ive got it... a dragon fighting a spider.
    11. GladiateSmiths
    12. Paulie Walnuttz
      Paulie Walnuttz
      hi is this the krusty crab?
    13. Gamerguy45
      Premium eh? You deserved it! I loved Eight Emerald Legs.
    14. Debo37
      Well, you make sure you have the advanced text editor set up as your default text editor in your options first. Then, you must colorize the text with the "A" button like so. Highlight the text you want to color, then choose a color. For hyperlinks to show up colored, you must first colorize the text and then add a hyperlink; as in the color tags must be nested within the url tags.
    15. FryTheSly
      alright thanks man
    16. FryTheSly
      Hey can u send me the 8 Emerald Legs map? it looks pretty sick and i really wana try it out
      My GT: Darksoullll
    17. thesilencebroken
      if it makes you feel more comfortable, Blaze is no longer technically a premium, so we've got 1 non-premium on our team. :D
    18. Bottlecap
      I like to dip MY nipple in ice cream too. So, now what are YOU gonna do?
    19. Something.
      Tomorrow, 3 hours of pain. hooray.
    20. Something.
      Already dealt with it when my power cord kablooied last year. Hence why I want to save it for last. But I guess I'll phone tomorrow. Life without halo will suck...
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  • About

    Jul 7, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Greeley, Colorado
    other stuff
    Felipe dos
    Hello there!
