Epic Tusk
Last Activity:
Jan 15, 2022 at 12:11 AM
Jan 3, 2008
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Jun 5, 1990 (Age: 34)
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***** Magnet Factory Worker

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Epic Tusk

Ancient, Male, from Civilization

Senior Member

Why am I here? Jul 26, 2018

Epic Tusk was last seen:
Jan 15, 2022
    1. Agamer
      I'm happy someone benefited out of me opening it an hour or so early.
    2. Panncakez
      "Pretty **** you posted up, bro."
      Well, that's fair. Just responding to your comment on my post in the Music Thread. I figured if I did it there, it would be spam.
    3. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      Dude! Revelry! :D
    4. Randle Scandal
      Randle Scandal
      Sign Up for Facebook | Facebook

      for later broheim
    5. Playerhata27
      Yeah, I've become a Daft Punk fan recently. I was watching alot of the Vegoose 2007 show, and they did amazing.
    6. Playerhata27
      Just wondering if you have watched interstella 555, being I know you like Daft Punk. I just watched it and wow, they're amazing.
    7. SargeantSarcasm
      This might be relevant to your interests.

    8. Randle Scandal
      Randle Scandal
      I lol'd, I like the kid or guy trying to imitate Isaac, he was the best.
    9. RightSideTheory
      You have to pay for that though right?
    10. RightSideTheory
      Weren't you the one who suggested a free music software download to someone? I was looking for one, and a good opinion would help.
    11. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      I like them both equally actually. For some reason, I thought you would saying banging. O: I'm psychic. :D

      Press play near the top

      (I couldn't find a video on youtube :()
    12. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      YouTube- The Proxy - 40 Seconds

      YouTube- Boys Noize - Let's Buy Happiness (Proxy Mix)
    13. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      YouTube- The Proxy - 40 Seconds

      YouTube- Boys Noize - Let's Buy Happiness (Proxy Mix)
    14. Randle Scandal
      Randle Scandal
      YouTube- The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart - "Young Adult Friction" Super 8

      found these guys out at UO, pretty good sound I'd say.
    15. Randle Scandal
      Randle Scandal
      Sweet deal on the lower price, I will keep an eye on that, I'll set up a savings for it, but then again Florida expenses will probably lower the chance of getting it lol
    16. Randle Scandal
      Randle Scandal
      I need a synth really badly, and I'm hoping me Electric Piano has some sort of chord that can plug into my computer, if not, I'll start looking into synths.

      And what kind of synth is it? I may look into one and I'd like to see what your looking at, I've got a Guitar Center pretty close to me.
    17. Randle Scandal
      Randle Scandal
      Looking for stuff to use, I have ideas, but I can't exactly get them out, which sucks lol, I'm waiting for a friend of mine to get back from school, because I know he writes stuff, and I think he has either XP or Windows 7.

      Also spectrasonic sounds a tad feminine, Spectresonic is just as cool, but more masculine lol
    18. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      Weird, Deadmau5 made it into the b.net blog after posting that. O_O


      This one here takes a while to get into but is well worth the wait, or at least in my onion.
      YouTube- Walter Meego - Through A Keyhole (Le Castle Vania Remix)

      Here's another one that takes a while to start up but well worth the wait.
      YouTube- ***** vs ****** - Lies in disguise Remix
    19. Randle Scandal
      Randle Scandal
      So if I can get music writing software I'm doing a solo project. I'd do more digital stuff, rather than band oriented like I am now, lots of four-on-the-floor stuff.

      Also after thinking about it, and wikipediaing a bunch of stuff, I found that spectrasonic would be a sweet stage name.
    20. Furry x Furry
      Furry x Furry
      Sad faaace. It's sad to say that none of his other stuff sounds anything like Ghosts 'n' Stuff. I'll put up some music probably tomorrow. Right now, I'm exhausted. D':
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  • About

    Jun 5, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Home Page:
    ***** Magnet Factory Worker
    First Name:
    Iron Tusk
    ur fav person of content



    You really have nothing better to do huh?​