emo asian girl
Last Activity:
Apr 2, 2009 at 12:06 AM
Feb 4, 2008
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emo asian girl


Senior Member
emo asian girl was last seen:
Apr 2, 2009
    1. Fbu
      You don't take sarcasm well do you? =p
      wow. everytime i get on forgehub and look at your profile you get more and more friends. now you have 18 but you used to have like 3 friends. lol
    3. Tex
      lololol soisoisoi, welcome to the third wave, the 26th group you've now joined, lololol
    4. emo asian girl
      emo asian girl
      i cant send u a visitor message :d
    5. Tex
      so emo asian...you sent me a request to join my group...you meet the requirements with flying colors...but...uh...why don't you tell me why you feel you should join The Third Wave? Send a visitor message to me to let me know whatsup
      lol. lets all watch how many groups emo asian girl can join. lol
      emo, i just noticed did you join every group thats on the social group list? or at least joinable. lol
    8. texturedlemur
      emo asian girl welcome to the thinkers and talkers group:D
      my ROFL COPTER GOES SOI SOI SOI. LOL. im at a lost for words thats so funny. lol.
    10. bib bob
      bib bob
      lolololololol that was soooooooooooooooooooo funny hahahhahahahaTHIS IS THE STORY OF HOW I GOT MY XBOX LIVE GAMER TAG Emo Asian Girl
      well it all started at 2nd grade graduation when I looked down to find to my supprise a ***** and I thought it would be cool to name it "emo asian *****" (even though it was a ******) and I kep bib the ***** in my pocket for months until the end of the 3rd grade when my friend said that the ***** needed a real name so I thought of BIB BOB JONSE and the name stuck until one day later after football practice. I was very thirsty and all I needed was a ***** after going through asking all of my friends if they could spare some ***** to a dying soul. someone stole bib and spent him for my drink. o and did I mention that I gave that kid 2 sessions of amazingly hot lovesex
      (lol JK) but still that was the 1st time I remember saying the phrase
      "you son of a mother ****ing hore *****...ass" yea I was only 9 at the time so my gramer was not up to par.
      then xbox 360 came and I got 1 the 1st day they came out.
      with my friends help I made my 1st xbox live account
      YuSneed b\c my first name is Yumi and my last is Sneed
      sounded pretty bad ass till xbox sent me a message saying that that name is offensive.
      and I was like "offensive to what"
      and then they made me change it
      so after a long period of tense thought ( about 6 sec.)
      I came up with
      Emo Asian Girl
      then as time went by my call of duty 2 clan (TBOTE)"The Beast Of The East"
      or "The Bitches Of The Emo Asian" LOL
      but we were the 3rd ranked COD2 clan in america
      so we decided that all members should look official and put TBoTE in front if there name like "TBoTE P3NIS" or "TBoTE ViRgIN" just to name a few
      when it was my turn to change my name "TBoTE Emo Asian Girl" just did not fit so I removed the "Girl" at the end so it looked like "TBoTB Emo Asian"
      then for months we played fine and won some awards and stuff until
      a tragic day our clan leader and websight starter and runner and our 1st 2nd and 3rd best player "TBoTE K Matter" and "TBoTE Bush" were killed in a tragic ***** crash outside
      Las Vegas on there way to school. this news devistated the team b/c we just played with K Matter last night in a clan battle against N2D our rival clan who also lost a member that day N2D STEEL who died of a ***** seizure in London.
      but after that day our team could not recover and started to leave gust to leave and maby get a shot a becoming a member of a better team or clan
      non of them did except for TBoTE Johnny who I here now is in good shape
      but back to how I got Emo Asian Girl as my GT
      well after that me and some of the members started a RB6: VEGAS clan called
      nBp "natural born penises"
      well that did not work out b/c there was already a clan called that
      and after all the name changes I decided to settle on one name and that would be

      ...................................E....m....o.... ..A..s...i...a..n.......G..i..r..l................ ........ ...........
    11. Deathlycobra
      You said
      "My myspace [ADD ME I NEED MORE FRIENDS D:]"
    12. Deathlycobra
      I teh wanted to add on mespace like sig said, but u teh made it so complicated...>_<
      the penguin plush FRIEND is soo cute. I WANT ONE!!!!! LOL :D
    14. emo asian girl
    15. Fbu
      What a subtle change in your avatar -_-
      ohh ok. i also listen to fall out boy but i dont know everyones name in the band. lol
      lol. i already feel stupid asking this, but who is peter wentz? lol
    18. Mastar
      it was v important >.<

      unlike peter wentzz
    19. emo asian girl
    20. Mastar
      it has absolutely nothing to do with anything.
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