Draw the Line
Last Activity:
Jan 3, 2013 at 9:05 AM
Jan 14, 2008
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Dec 5, 1987 (Age: 37)
Chicago, Illinois

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Draw the Line

Ancient, from Chicago, Illinois

Senior Member
Draw the Line was last seen:
Jan 3, 2013
    1. xSharpshooter94
      hey DTL you gave me nega rep and what i meant is that ivory posted a thread on the front page as a journalist i no he didn't make it
    2. sexy dude
      sexy dude
      hey thanks
    3. Mastar
      "Read the FAQ before asking questions...."
      My bad... x|
    4. sexy dude
      sexy dude
      yes you are very cool
    5. sexy dude
      sexy dude
      hey can you lock a thread called power house my freind put it on when he didn't mean to and he might get spammed
    6. J A Y
      J A Y
      my sig is just under the limit. i think it is like 450x200
    7. Insane54
      Happens :/
    8. Insane54
      Oooooh, then... *karate chop's DtL's stomache in half, sticks the sandwhich in, sews stomache back up again*
    9. Insane54
      NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooOooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *karate chops DtL's stomache in half, pulls the sandwhich out, sews stomache back together*
    10. Insane54
      NoOOO! That sandwich is poisoned! *karate chops it right before it gets into DtL's mouth*
    11. Insane54
      D: I must fight off 10,000 evil dragons and go to the Kingdom of the Ymahjua myself?
    12. Insane54
      NOOOOO! We must find the antidote of the Holy Purple Flamingo Leaf, only found in the highest mountains of Tibet! There we must fight of 10,000 evil dragons, and get to the Kingdom of the Yumahjua to find the One Leaf!
    13. Insane54
      But...but...it says its not butter on the box!
    14. Insane54
      Mmmmk. I deleted the last number and there was a couple but I didnt want to get a random guy, lol.
    15. Insane54
      fix ur skype good sir
    16. Blaze
    17. Draw the Line
      Draw the Line
      Muah ha ha ha! The power is MINE!
    18. evan12075
      apparently ash has made you in charge of community faves as of now... you get to pick maps for the community faves! OMG. anyway i made some suggestions back at the community faves forum if you wanna check it out
    19. Debo37
      I have found the reason that Gridlocked deserved to be featured:
      The plasma grenades in the double open boxes.
      Me, being the map breaking bastard that I am, decided to scale your box structures in-game, and ended up in the bottom of an open box like "WTF?!? OMFG I R STUCK." Thankfully, your creative ingenuity caused you to place a lone plasma grenade within, which, when used as a tool of suicide, does the job quite nicely. Frags can't kill in one blow. But plasmas can. And you placed them there for that purpose alone. Excellent.
    20. Mr. Skittles
      Mr. Skittles
      Awesome, BTW thanks for your feedback, I changed it up, and even made your name an appearance ',:/
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1987 (Age: 37)
    Chicago, Illinois
    Draw the Line
    I am a student at NIU studying to be a graphic artist. I am addicted to just about anything Halo, and of course I love to forge.

    Drawing, Building, Videogames

