Draw the Line
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Jan 3, 2013 at 9:05 AM
Jan 14, 2008
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Dec 5, 1987 (Age: 37)
Chicago, Illinois

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Draw the Line

Ancient, from Chicago, Illinois

Senior Member
Draw the Line was last seen:
Jan 3, 2013
    1. Pegasi
      Why thank you man, its nice to know someone reads and appreciates my thoughts. Alas I still must spread, but I give you my thanks anyway.

      I just saw your custom title as well...makes me glad I got Journalist when I did......
    2. xMBMAxPureEvil
      Hey I know your into the tunnel raid thing and honestly I never forge anymore or even really play halo unless my freinds are on it. Bascially all im saying is go make a awsome conquest/tunnelraid map.
    3. thesilencebroken
      alright, i was taking apart foundry last night, and i saw that they only use one starting point per team, and for most gametypes they have 3rd and 4th teams starting points too. Can that be arranged? I'd like it to be set up for every single gametype, whether or not it plays all the gametypes.
    4. thesilencebroken
      aside from the spawn system, can you handle setting up all the gametypes?
    5. dented_drum
      Can I ask for a reference to where I can get the Podcast you're talking about in THIS POST???
    6. dented_drum
      Thanks, dude. That debate's been going for ages. Nice to see someone else who agrees with common sense.
    7. squidhands
      It's pretty sweet. It's meant for 1v1, and the guy seems to have done a ton of testing of the H3 spawn system.
    8. squidhands
      I agree, Ghost Town seems impossibly hard to forge on. I came across a GT map that's been incredibly forged over on the MLGpro forums. I wrote up a little thread about it in the Hub Pub. You should check it out, you'll be amazed.

      The biggest problem I have with forging Ghost Town is that I really don't want to close off any areas. I love it just like it is. :-)
    9. drak
      I understand haha...although you could... :D

    10. drak
      nvrmnd...i got - repped on scopulus's thread ramma jamma extreme racism, and the dude said

      youza racist???

      and im not...so im pissed, cuz i finally had a streak-o-green, if you get what im saying....
    11. drak
      did you just - rep me, cuz im not racist dude!!!
    12. Assassin of Joy
      Assassin of Joy
      I just love your sig, great work on it! (Wish mine would be as nice...)
    13. Killer678
      Just want you to know I fun lat night playing you guys.
    14. LIGHTSOUT225
    15. XED360X
      no one gives me good rep i get reported all the time tho but thats because im lerning the rules lol
    16. MONKEYDEATH3730
      DTL U ****!!!! u gave me good rep
    17. Aimless Ant
      Aimless Ant
      I just checked out electron because you said my map reminded you of one of yours, and i can see why. I liked it, and i can see some similarity in our styles, you should look at some of the rest of my maps. I also have a map named neutron. So why is it that you say electron didnt work?
    18. Jimbodawg
      Glad you remembered the Cow Launcher too...
    19. !nikheizen
      I think i am going to petition for you to change your name to 'Draw the Lime'
    20. ScarFac3d
      So, would you like to be part of the four l33t group of forgers that will help with Skate Park 3? I have narrowed it down to SargeantSarcasm, Cosmic Rick, Bl00D FIR3, myself, and of course you if you decide to join.
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1987 (Age: 37)
    Chicago, Illinois
    Draw the Line
    I am a student at NIU studying to be a graphic artist. I am addicted to just about anything Halo, and of course I love to forge.

    Drawing, Building, Videogames

