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May 8, 2020 at 4:31 PM
Sep 13, 2008
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Ancient, from Somewhere in Neverland

Senior Member
Dow was last seen:
May 8, 2020
    1. Prosper
      I could say the same thing: "It's my way of getting back at atheists for all of the pro abortion, pro gay marriage, and pro stem cell research shiz."

      But I WOULDN'T, event though I'd have just as mucha point as you, actually, much more, I don't like an eye for eye standard.

      Besides, atheists don't even believe in objective moral, so you can't define what we do as bad in any case. Next time you want to make an insult, have at least a logical piece of methodology to prove your point.
    2. Prosper
      Dow, if a religious avatar offends, you, or scares and make you doubt your beliefs, maybe you need re-evaluate them.....
    3. Arbacca
      Hate rap? You'll love this!
      Youtube - On a Boat
    4. Pegasi
      Hey, I saw your 'Weird Guy' thread and noticed that it was getting pretty debate heavy, just like you said. But I was thinking, would you be up for moving it to debates and renaming it to more of a discussion on whether approaching people and trying to convert them is right? It's something that's always got me thinking, and I think that thread could really go somewhere as a discussion.
    5. ROC bioflame
      ROC bioflame
      whos that chick in your sig?
    6. TraiiT
      Heres Your sig:[IMG]
      If you would like it fixed or anything changed just let me know.
    7. Glasgow
      Your mom is falling.
    8. RadiantRain
      You named yourself after the Dow... You know... I just felt like saying your stocks are falling, because the Dow stocks are literately falling...
    9. RadiantRain
      Uh-Oh, your stocks are tumbling!
    10. X taco king X
      X taco king X
      Ok thats fine I have plenty of opinions as well just try and keep them to yourself unless your in a discussion please. Thanks
    11. ShreddedDreamz
    12. USNSEABEE555
      its just a little discouraging after all the testing I have done...and countless hours of work, only to be told by someone that I am using a taken name (didn't know it was copyrighted). I mean you did not even comment on the maps thread saying good job or anything. So I am sorry for yelling like in half baked....didnt me to jump on your case just please understand where I am coming from. I didn't even mention to Conker that there was already a map named Affliction I figured people looking to name there map would do a search to see if the name is already in use. It's not even a big deal, just makes me angry how all you negative people always point out the bad before the good. I'm done trying to prove my point, please don't message me with any more accusations ok fellow forger?
    13. USNSEABEE555
      actually if you check the dates of my version 1 and his I used the name Affliction before ConkerKid by a couple weeks at least...soooooooo yeah

      I released mine on my old account USNSEABEE555 look them both up on here "Afflictions" and see for yourself...I am estatic that you left me a visitor message just to try to tell me I am using a taken name..hahahah GLAD YOU LIKED MY MAP!!
    14. TraiiT
      Yes i could make a signature, just message me back saying the theme and text your would like in your sig.
    15. Arbacca
      lol it seems you and I were the only ones unimpressed with Wishbone...
      then again, i started that whole mongoose/shield door thing, so i must've ruined gameplay...
    16. FrankFries
      YouTube - Narwhals
    17. fiery grave
      fiery grave
      just because i took the film from a 3 second forge match does not mean i did not test it i have a testing community that i helps me test all maps i make
    18. Arbacca
      heheh i looked at your recent views, you even got TDH here somehow!
    19. STWOW
      Look at my new map NAO!
    20. Dow
      4001 visits w00t!
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    Somewhere in Neverland
    Burning bridges
    Down with the bourgeoisie


    He thought it was safe. He died. Injecting marijuanas; not even once.