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Jan 29, 2023 at 3:49 PM
Feb 22, 2008
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Jan 26, 1992 (Age: 33)
Denver, Colorado

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Ancient, from Denver, Colorado

Senior Member


Debo37 was last seen:
Jan 29, 2023
    1. Something.
      FAPPY BURPDAy!!!
    2. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Happy official birthday, good sir.
    3. RaBBiiTTT
      Happy Birthday!!!
    4. chrstphrbrnnn
    5. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      I can't sleep. I totally forgot that I still need to read chapter 26 in the American Pageant of Death. I never did it because I was in an Oxycodon coma from getting my wisdom teeth removed. And if I have homework to do, Forge Hub becomes my first priority. It's just a fact of my existence.

      And Happy Birthday in 25 minutes =)
    6. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      happy birthday! but i need all youre stuff. you see, im a cop, and im gonna need to commandeer it. could be evidence in the murder of your shoelase. and dont you forget.....i have index cards...and i wont hesitate to use them
    7. SargeantSarcasm
      ah well...Felipe and Chuck came to me asking if I wished to aid them in hunting you.
    8. SargeantSarcasm
      like I said. that doesnt bug me anymore.
    9. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      So what was it Shishka said FH always did wrong with their spawns?
    10. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Made the publishin' group.
    11. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Well, bad news. Pred doesn't want to join.

      I'll try the other guys unless you want this to wait for a bit.
    12. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      Alrighty. Read the post and agree entirely. We don't want another Resident Uzi.

      I've sent an invitation to Predator, but I've noticed that he's really cleaned out his groups list lately. He's only a part of Foto, where he's a mod.

      If he doesn't join there also some fellows named Phenomenon IV and A Tuxedo Cat that are extremely poplular. Tuxedo is one of Predator's freinds and Phenomenon has the fourth most downloads on Bungie. We can also try for the both of them.
    13. GladiateSmiths
      Nooooo! Debo's my father!!!
    14. GladiateSmiths
      Debo! Whenever I see you online I feel compelled to message you... Lul.
    15. MONKEYDEATH3730
      no gracias, i died
    16. halo kid
      halo kid
      go to the pokemon group and tell me if you approve.
    17. halo kid
      halo kid
      I love debating aout pokemon,finnaly someone understands what Im talking about!
    18. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      I'd love to help manage TCE. And I can definitely take the time I use perusing the forums of FH in search of lulz to manage a group.

      In terms of Predator, he's in college now and is therefore rather hard to contact. He's not on very often any more, so his group died and he even ended up leaving it. I'll bet he's one of them folks that gets about 20 PMs a day, so it would be difficult making small talk over

      I do, however, know he has a MySpace. I could try befriending him through that... if I must... And he's very likely to have an account here, though I doubt he's even signed in within the past few months. He is a moderator in Foto, so maybe I could get his attention through the forums there.

      Overall though, he has acknowledged me on several occasions, putting some of my shots on his file share and leaving me in charge of Diabeetus. He's not likely to blatantly ignore me. I should be able to make a moderately active member of him.
    19. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      I do need my daily recommended allowance of lulz. And this site is currently how I get it.
      The only other option for lulz is 4chan.
      But that is where the fabled Boxxy resides. Venturing yonder is certain death.

      And I'm leaning towards director for TCE.

      About the screenshot guide, I've realized I have absolutely no idea how to do most effects. I'm just a forge art guy. And forge art is a "you can do it or you can't" sort of thing if you know what I mean. I could try making a guide for just forge art, but it probably wouldn't be very helpful.

      To write an all-around guide, I'll just need to do some research through the forums of doom. Perhaps that's what I'll do when I'm sitting around in agony for the next couple days after having my wisdom teeth removed.
    20. Felipe dos
      Felipe dos
      The words of Titmar.
      They are true.
      I would definitely try staying away as well if there weren't things I had to look after with EEL. Tell you what. After a while, when the semester really starts getting intense, let's both take a vow of abstinance from FH for a while. I don't think I can get through another semester with the procrastination this place forces me to make.
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  • About

    Jan 26, 1992 (Age: 33)
    Denver, Colorado


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