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May 19, 2012
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Mhmm., from Kentucky Deluxe

Forge Critic Senior Member
Dax was last seen:
Jul 26, 2022
    1. FrozenGoathead
    2. FrozenGoathead
    3. PandaMan
      Fuuuuuuuuuuuu lol. And you owe mee a sig
    4. theSpinCycle
      I can probs get on in about an hour. You?
    5. theSpinCycle
      You up to start forging the triangle?
    6. Auburn
      We played a 1v1 which was probably the cause of a few problems. Still, I think they should be fixed nonetheless, haha.
    7. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      *tips hat*
    8. Kazerra
      Nice one. I'll work on updating Core's thread. I haven't posted on it in a week.
    9. theSpinCycle
      Such a ramp would almost never see use.. everyone would just take the existing ramp - it's more central.

      Removing the power weapon means the only reason you would want to go up is for the height advantage, in which case you'd camp there the entire game.

      I'm OK with forging it without the bridge - we can always change things later.

      Can you get on sometime tomorrow?
    10. theSpinCycle
      Weren't people raging about the teleporter to Rockets on Solar? Was that because of a height advantage or because of the actual receiver placement?

      Dead end bridge is already connected to blue spawn from the other side - another connection would be redundant. I think I suggested this before, but we could delete that dead end area entirely. Lowering pencil sharp by a unit? Sure.
    11. theSpinCycle
      As for extending the lift walkway, I wouldn't do it that much because it would allow players up a point to camp at the bottom of the lift to wait out the match. Very little of the map has direct LoS into that hole.

      I want to redesign / enlarge the Red Room, since it's more like two staircases than an actual room. Also tempted to remove the teleporters entirely.. but then that hard route construction is necessary, and that geometry might encourage some camping..

      Whatever it is, I think the defining issue is making that pencil sharpener work in a unique manner. That entire receiver bridge could be destroyed, but we could leave the window into Blue room.

      I'll fix up the sketch based on your response.
    12. theSpinCycle
      Yeah, the two pics is fine. It's actually preferable if it's easier for you to depict stuff from different views.

      That sender-receiver setup doesn't work with the hard route to the pencil sharpener. Red team could just take the teleporter and cut off Blue team - especially without that center lift up, blue will have to cross the entire room or go up the obvious ramp, once again campable from receiver spawn. Red would control gold room for free :(

      My goal with that deleted route (now a teleporter) into the center was to allow Red team to flank through the center as well as Blue. Was somewhat uneven in Red's favor, though. I like your idea for the center more. :)

      I like the new Green location :)
    13. Kazerra
      You reckon you could come on XBL for a 2v2 on Core within the next few minutes or so?
    14. Kazerra
      I considered using Long Railings instead of Medium Railings for the paths. To be honest, I don't know why I didn't include the Long ones. I might change this around.

      You make perfect sense regarding the concrete structure, however I'm completely out of Decorative pieces and I have about two Building Blocks left. It's the thicker walls, man, they eat up all the pieces! Also, the only reason why I'm using the railings as inclines (and not Incline pieces or Building Blocks) is because they don't overlap when they reach the end of the incline, as they're so small. Does that make sense? The railings basically improve it aesthetically and allow me to make more accurate inclines.
    15. PandaMan
    16. theSpinCycle
      Dax, when you're done, want to post both the triangles in the map sketch thread?

      I also have a slightly newer version with the teleporters removed and some stuff slightly moved around, with that hard route to the pencil sharpener.
    17. PandaMan
      Dax, what are you doinggger, also can you play xboxx
    18. theSpinCycle



      The orange dots are lifts/landings (it should be easy enough to distinguish), pentagons are initial spawns, cubes are weapon locations (red, blue, and gold at start). The larger boxes are teleporters, which I'm afraid will make the map play too small.

      Blue team could be compensated for the lift with the purple teleporter, but no orange. If so, then the dead end orange teleporter might have a bridge to the gold PW. No teleporters at all is also an option, would also probably help with the matchmaking thing seeing as most of the popular maps in there have no teleporters.

      I showed you mine, you show me yours.

      (YES 1k chars)
    19. Kazerra
      That's a shame. I did go in and fix a few things you might have wanted to show me. I fixed some Z-fighting in the Main Room; made it so the Door Doubles didn't stick out of some walls; lowered the railings outside (they still stop you falling off but make it easier to shoot through/over); altered the man-cannon so it no longer throws you as high; added in Circular Ramp Smalls on top of the roof so you can't see the ugly parts when going up the man-cannon; fixed a soft kill zone immediately behind the man-cannon platform; extended the delivery platform of the man-cannon to make it easier to jump down.

      Was there anything else you can think of that I overlooked?
    20. Vincent Torre
      Vincent Torre
      Thanks man, tell people like spincycle as well :)
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