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Dec 30, 2010 at 8:46 PM
Sep 7, 2008
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Nov 16, 1993 (Age: 31)
student in highschool

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Ancient, from Earth

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Crusadermike was last seen:
Dec 30, 2010
    1. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      beautifully beautifully beautifully said my friend, as Christians, we must make a statement to those looking upon us, to be strong and wise, and always to refer to Him when we succeed. i need to start memorizing scripture, but one passage i always remember, is when you are walking and there are two sets of footsteps, you are one set, and the other is God, but when you are in the valley of death(you know what i mean by that) then there is only one set of footprints. you say "God, why have you abandoned me?" and he replies "In those times of great trouble, it was I who carried you".-he is with us and we must forever pursue his word and seek knowledge from him, so we can help GIVE knowledge to others, in His name. you giving your knowledge of the word on these forums, and i will as well. i was able to correct Reynbow-a devoute athiest-on the main point of christianity -"the acceptance that we are flawed, and the focus on that we are saved by grace through faith in His name, and to spread His good Word, by our actions and words." please correct me if i have the wrong idea on any of this, im not used to writing lone passages, but i try to stay on the dot, but i have been wrong before. Praise God Almighty! Amen!
    2. Crusadermike
      man just remember them and pray for them whenever you're alone with God and you gotta know you can't force em to change but you can offer your beliefs, your bread you found as a beggar, so that others can eat or believe and follow God Almighty! thx for bringing it up.
    3. Crusadermike
    4. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      hey, in the debate thread, theres a few evolutionists debunking a few christians. i used to reply without thought, but im better now, id like for you to take a crack at it. you obviously have well thought out answers. be quick to listen, and slow to speak.
    5. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      er, sorry, i never check my posts. i didnt even notice. :'(
    6. Crusadermike
      ah maybe who knows, God does oh yeah baby! yeah ok man ill see ya around maybe!
    7. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      ill be on during the weekend, so ill prolly see you some time.
    8. Crusadermike
      ahh really that sucks, man now its the weekend im looking for something to do. well cya later
    9. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      oww, what a long day. my hand ripped in gymnastics. im glad im home. sorry i havent been able to talk, i have only about 4 minutes a day to get on here during the week. i have too much homework.
    10. Crusadermike
      thank you too
    11. darth ky
      darth ky
      thanks dude! it didn't take long, but i try to keep it up every week. feel free to post if you want.
    12. Crusadermike
      yeah i know i considered that but as a whole i think it could work out fun and alright :), anyways i was thinking i do it on avalanche and like there'd be like the main bases and then u got the "tele" bases where the banshee/hornets are along with a turret or 2 of the right type, and a couple snipers of the right type. like u make a sniper base thing (circle thing with the little ramp) then u have like two barricades (corner shaped things) with turret in middle and snipers leaning on barricades. mmmm coooooool right, but wait avalanche can onlyyyyy get cooler!!! LOLOlol xD well it be cool like u put one of those kinda glass walls on top of the turret as a shield but the turret still shoots through an opening and u can see through the glass mmm yeah. then u box in the rest of the lil base/station to where there's only an opening to the ramp/lil stairs up on it. oh yeah that's a base baby right right. then you set the aircraft on top of it with 2 grav lifts on the sides of the mini base and you're pimping. mmm go ahead and have 2 ghosts/mongooses along side the lil hill base and some weps too. oh yeah there u go u gotsss some bases right!? but wait it gets even COOLER!!!!!! then you can like block off the entrances to the middle of the map that are shortcuts of the bases, so that then you can put another base there as well, but wait it gets EVEN COOOOOOLER than a mewtwo's blizzard, if u teach urs blizzard rather than ice beam because u risk the accuracy! lol, i did, eh rawr anyways back to my long post on my idea on my own page... you have a base where you got a tank/wraith right? MMM WRONG! jk, right... and you block them off with stuff in a way that you can't drive it and you can only see the cannon part, mm idk bout wraith, and anyways you get in and you're like the uber defence mega turret blaster gun of the base! you see a banshee coming full speed!!! you think ahahaha im the mega turret blaster elite gunnery sergeant chief master chief (lol) gunner and i'm gonna blast u out of the sky! same for da ghost and the prawler! oooo snaps over kill on that prawler! right? ehhh i think it sounds pretty uber right? BUT WAAAAAAAAAAIT IT GETS COOLER THAN frigimon's sub-zero ice punch! aha, then in the middle base(as in the middle of the map where shotgun is at default...)you have......... THE BRUTE TEAM LOOOL! no no im joking, eh but you have a neutral base with the neutral bomb if u should decide to play that or neutral territory and in there you stick in two immovable choppers that can be used as turrets to guard the super man cannon! and yes it gets coooooooooooler than that, you get a base with brute weapons! spiker grenades, spikers, maulers, bruteshots... and yes... THE GRAVITY HAMMER! then you got 2 teles (left one = left base right one = right base lool) that lead to floating bases that contain a couple missile pods each (they're back over the cliff part of the map, kinda high too) and the lovely rockets/fuel rod cannons! mm yes cool right?! then you have one finaly element to da game... in the middle you block off half of the top part of the area you go through to get to the other side, so that banshees and hornets have to fly lowwwwwwww under the radar to get through, lol. just would seem kinda cool i guess cuz you could be a prooooooooooooooooooo and have a banshee/hornet standerupper rider on top of it with missile pod that just stands on top of it while you're just flying into the wall, so you see a mongoose guess what? BOOOOOOM LOL it doesn't see it coming well it could see it eh. good sniper spot too i suppose eh? mmm so what do you think about the whole map idea lol i think it'd be really cool for big team games!
    13. Stratigon13
      and i would be attacked by baby food. (not in the jar. oww)
    14. Stratigon13
      way not balanced. needler long distance ar short. mongoose ghost. mongoose 2 man and cant shoot. ghost can splatter mongoose. prowler is brute. good idea but not exactly equivilents. it would be casual but fun never the less
    15. Crusadermike
    16. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      hehe, yea, thats SMART!! i was thinking mac and cheese or something. or jello, the jello would hit me, and wiggle. but hey, if igot stuck in the jello, then i would stay solid in place in the middle of it, as teh jello wiggles, just like the brocoli. lol
    17. Crusadermike
      i think a crumb, it'll attack me and i might not even feel it :)!! xD lol
    18. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      Well, Mike, if you HAD to be attacked by ANY food, what food would it be? and yes, i meen in a very litteral sense of being "attacked". i live in fear every day......
    19. Crusadermike
      i dont think im gonna waste anymore time trying to make the map better. prob just play what we've been playing cuz its fun whenever we play it right. so i might not even keep the changes, idk. thx for the feedback though, :)! my brother made a map on sandtrap that's supposed to have a mass effect theme to it, like it's vip 3 vs 13 ppl where the 3 are your 3 characters and they're in the mako aka gauss warthog driving around the points while the geth in choppers and other vehicles go out to get cha. of course the vip and the guys have more hp. haven't tried it out yet but i think it was a cool idea. alrighty guys well church tommarow! so good night guys thx for talking and stuff, cya later! oh btw i think my colors on the page are pretty cool lol praise God it looks good, i think.
    20. Metallic Snake
      Metallic Snake
      I got this "Slick" thing goin on with no hair. Like the head of a Snake.......
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    Nov 16, 1993 (Age: 31)
    student in highschool
    I'm a Christian and that's rly who i am



    Hey i'm a Christian you can talk to me if you want! Here's my testimony, and if u want to contact me or know more about me u can go to
    Remember God is holy holy holy!