Yeah I definitely agree with you on the teleporter, I'll work with it. Are you active over on HaloCouncil? I feel like a traitor for joining another forge site besides Forgehub :/
I can't remember if you had any suggestions about making the top Sticky Detonator platform not so overpowered. I feel like there's way too many advantageous lines of sight up there. Any ideas to make it less OP? I'm also gonna delete that man-cannon on the ground floor, pretty useless. Any other problems you had with the map? I kinda had a hard time hearing ya earlier :p
You had lag too? I never had any lag during that game. I had a very slight bit of lag during a game with spin, though it didn't last very long and only happened once... Once the servers are up again I need to get a bunch of mates together and try a 2v2 or 3v3 and see if it happens then.
I just walked around the main room, never had any lag. Here's my ideas behind the lag they encountered. They were on 3v3 battles this time, so there was more action in it that could have caused lag. Connection could have been a problem for one of the players The maps z fighting, the braces have always been a problem due to the fact the dimensions of the rooms are odd enough to force me to merge the braces together.
Yeah I did, I must say I'm surprised by how good it sounded, the lag was surprising too though, I will have to check that out.
I already told you about the map... "I started on it first time I got on Forge. I got pretty frustrated with the 2x2 talls being ugly AND tapered... Didn't really do much after that. I might go back to it some other time, though." YOU LITTLE TROLL.
Ahhh orbital! I wanna see Dude I love it. I've only played a few missions of campaign but it's pretty epic. And I'm having so much more fun in war games than I had with Reach's mp. Still trying to get used to the new forge pallet though, so many ugly pieces D:
what? that was called Lmn Prty? .. I started on it first time I got on Forge. I got pretty frustrated with the 2x2 talls being ugly AND tapered... Didn't really do much after that. I might go back to it some other time, though.