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Promethean, from London, England

ArmadillosTHFC was last seen:
Mar 8, 2013
    1. Waterfall
      Don't do it without me.because the verdins of the map are a bit different mine is a bit more updated to yours I'll explain why in a few minutes.
    2. Waterfall
      Before recording we definantly need to do stuff to the map so it's not like purification there are spots n impurity that look exactly like purification we don't want to be ripping someone else's map so we can change some things.also there has been difficulty saving the map on both ends after we do edits because of switching to and from host I came up with a plan I will explain next time I see you.
    3. Waterfall
      Blackstarrulz *
      Also I'm going to not let any squeezers in because in addition to a recording it's also a test.
      That kid caboose from facilities video was real annoying I'm going to try to get players who have a clue.we should invite REMkings.
    4. Waterfall
      I'm trying to arrange with blackstrap a time for recording.
      I'm going to suggest that I do the intro because after watching that last vid I saw my voice comes across very sriously it can get someone's attention.thats what we want right?
    5. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      I'm sorry I didn't get a chance last night.
    6. Waterfall
      Hey I've confirmed it with blackstarrulz that he will do a vid for impurity.
      Ive got the map from Stevos fs bullets and I spent about three hous in drastic changes at all list of thing we changed/fixed
      -covered up 95% of glass for framerate issues.
      -Fixed your kill zones to something more player friendly.(they are great now)
      -discussed a few weapon changes that will be for the better we will all talk over it.
      -added initial spawns because stevo only had 2 spawns for both teams now it will work for up to 4v4.
      -made up call outs
      Made part of what was a far extension of red base into "purple hall and changed object colors for that.
      Really we didn't do anything noticeable without consulting you.
      The rest of the time we were discussing tactics that would be used on the map.
    7. Psychoduck
      That means stop necro-bumping threads, now.
    8. Psychoduck
      Quit mega-bumping all the maps in the files section. And if you're gonna post on them at least have some substance to your post instead of just "I like your map from the screenshots, 9/10".

      Thank you.
    9. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      I'll download it when I'm next online. Just tell me the name so I know what to look for.

      3 v. 3 is an interesting map size, I'm interested to see what makes it different from a regular 4 v. 4. Just so you know though I have very little knowledge of anything MLG.
    10. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      I'll take a look, but a few questions:

      1. What type of map? Details.
      2. Why should I take screenshots? With the blackout I can't do anything with them.
      3. Stevo's Fileshare??
    11. Waterfall
      I have no way to brb
    12. Waterfall
      Darn oh we'll once you get some that thread looks good now.we can always edit in a video after ,if we get one.
    13. Waterfall
      Do you have pictures yet?
    14. Waterfall
      If you use it put that as the map description on reach or I will just do it but for our post put our names somewhere else.
    15. Waterfall
      Here is my idea for a map description.these are oft overlooked as unimportant but they help a map stand out.
      Anyways I suggest you put this in quotes if you like it at the top of the thread.also I suggest you spruce up the thread a little bit with color even if it's just changing the color of my bit.
      But if you use this make sure to put it quotes at the top and maybe use a slanted font.

      Impurities and devastation now taint this facility.
      2-8 players-armadillosTHFC,waterfallninja3,bullet2thehead9
    16. Stevo
      It's on my fileshare for you. let me know when you want it removing.
    17. Waterfall
      No I'm at work till 5:30 wait untill we get a video.for the map preview.
    18. REMkings
      sorry man, but I wasn't around back then. I'll be on again at 6pm GMT, for BIOC.
    19. Stevo
      I might not be on then unfortunately.
      I've implemented a symmetric / asymmetric layout.
      Teams will spawn in bases for games like CTF and Assault and have the ability to spawn anywhere during games like Slayer, Headhunter etc...
    20. Waterfall
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    December 30
    London, England
    Don't touch that, you have no idea what it is... Or where it's been...

    Shooting Unicorns, Listening to Music, Gaming, BMXing,


    Check out my Chiron Remake...

    Originally Posted by Xx Overkill VR [​IMG] looks like you focused all your resources on the wheel...

    I have 2000 budget left. I also have a wheel. You have neither. lol