
Mar 6, 2022

  • Keep in Mind(top)


    1) You MUST have spawn points placed for spawn areas to work.

    2) If you do not place initial spawns, your players will spawn in points predetermined by Bungie's design (usually where initial spawn points are in the original map variant), and the same goes for respawn points.

    3) Respawn Zones = Basically irrelevant in Invasion.

    4) Spawn Ordering does not effect Spawn Points or Spawn Zones (however, it plays a major role in the Spawn Areas used in Invasion).


    Respawn Zones(top)


    divide maps into areas that, utilizing data from
    current activity on the map, assist players in spawning away from danger, can be set to only influence a certain team or be neutral and effect all.
    Normal (Respawn Zone): Most powerful Influencer; with one of these placed on the map, players will spawn within it no matter the level of danger in the area. Best used to divide maps into team territories (not directly relating to Territories Game Type), or sides, while then placing Weak and Anti Zones within, set to neutral, to further influence spawning.
    Weak Respawn Zone: Has an additive effect upon chance of spawning a player in a location when stacked on a Normal Zone and is half the power of a Normal Zone. When using the stacked grid method (example in visual aide below), they are best left neutral.
    Anti Respawn Zone: If set to a team, it will make it so that that specific team
    will not be able to spawn in that area. (useful for making it so that teams
    can"t switch bases in the middle of a game, as would happen many times
    during games of Slayer on Valhalla and Sandtrap in Halo 3). Has an subtractive effect upon chance of spawning a player in a location when stacked on a Normal Zone and is equal and opposite to the Weak Zone in this respect. When using the stacked grid method (example in visual aide below), they are best left neutral.

    Basically, I would say to define each team's side of the map with large Respawn Zones set to their team and then use Anti Respawn Zones to define areas where you would not like players to spawn as often and then use Weak Zones to give priority to areas such as bases, or out of the way paths, keeping the latter two types Neutral, like below. Placing priority on safer areas will make players apwn there more often, but will allow them to spawn elsewhere if those areas become too dangerous.




    The stacking effect of Spawn Zones will only occur if a Regular (Strong) Respawn Zone has been placed and if it is part of the stacked pieces, unless you are simply overlapping an Anti with a Weak, in which case the area of the overlap will have them cancelled out by each other.

    If you place a Weak on/in a Strong, it will become stronger, another Weak will make it stronger yet, the same goes for an Anti, but in the opposite direction. Weak's and Anti's would still cancel each other out in this situation. I would advise against going further than two layers of Weak's and Anti's on your Strong Zone.

    Quoted from O'Than:

    Overlapping Zones
    Using only Weak and Anti zones together can never have an effect greater than one single Weak or Anti zone. They DO cancel each other out though.

    Weak + Anti = 0
    Weak + Weak = Weak
    Anti + Anti = Anti

    there is already a strong zone in the same area. Then they combine as you would expect:

    Strong + Weak > Strong
    Strong + Weak + Weak > Strong + Weak
    Strong + Anti < Strong
    Strong + Anti + Anti < Strong + Anti

    And finally, two strong zones don't ever combine.

    I might have highlighted something, but you would have noticed for yourself. (will never)


    Players also have and AoE where they themselves influence spawn behavior, a comparison of strengths (no scale of power is available yet), is below, quoted from my post in O'Than's Forge World Group. It can be seen here.

    Teammate*<Weak/Anti Respawn Zone
    Weak/Anti Respawn Zone<Enemy* **
    Enemy* **<Dead Teammate/Self
    Dead Teammate/Self<<<<Respawn Zone

    *Stacks per instance
    **Varies Per Weapon and L.o.S.

    Projectiles, such as rockets, also have a negative influence, surrounding and preceding them.

    A player's spawn influence doesn't affect the zones they are in directly, but is as if they have a zone of influence themselves, that travels with them, is adjusted per their L.o.S. and Weapon as well as per their living status, and will apply its effect as stacked upon other existing zones of influence, including those of other players.




    Kill and Safe Zones:

    As explained by Bungie, if you place a Safe Zone, any time a player is outside of it, they will die, or begin their timer, and if a Kill Zone is placed inside a Safe Zone, it will take precedence. Best practice is to use Soft Safe Zones (with a countdown) to define the playable areas, Soft Kill Zones to denote areas where you would rather players not go/camp, such as roof tops, and Hard Kill Zones so that players die when they fall off the map (think The Cage). Using Hard Safe Zones tends to lead to too many problems and many Jetpackers dying seemingly randomly for poking their head out of your proposed "ceiling". You also want to take into consideration that using a Hard Safe Zone coupled with Soft Zones is essentially the same as using Hard Safe Zones alone; as soon as you leave, you will die, no countdown, which is yet another argument to avoid Hard Safe Zones unless you have a very specific application.


    Initial Loadout Camera:

    Shows a view of the map during the choosing of
    initial spawn loadouts and occasionally spawning in general. Place one per team
    AND one Neutral so that a good view of the teams bases, respectively, and the
    map. (Make sure to have one of these placed so that the attacking and defending teams in Invasion can see their objectives and begin to formulate paths to them while waiting to spawn).

    Use Respawn Zones to design the bare-bones spawning grid (it is good to overlap spawn points into multiple Zones), game type specific spawning areas are better defined via Hill Markers; tags for those can be found in the Tagging Chart located in the Sidebar to the left and in the Invasion Guide below that.
    Take note that some of the tags are not for spawning persons or even for use with Hill Markers, even though they may work, such as flag capture points and such; it is much better to spawn Bombs, Cores, Oddballs, and place Skull and Flag Capture points and Bomb Plant points on the Flag Capture Point object (disc with UNSC logo) and only spawning FLAGS on Flag Stands (And even then only in Stockpile). Also, for Skull and Flag Capture and Bomb Plant points, make sure to set an area so that the players will be able to score.