7. Video Tutorials
Scripting tips and tricks that maximize what is possible in Halo 5 Forge are being discovered every day. Find here some of the most comprehensive informational and tutorials articles and videos that show you what you can accomplish with Halo 5's powerful Forge Scripting. Videos marked with ** were published prior to December 8, 2016, when the Monitor's Bounty Forge update hit, keep in mind they might have details and limitations that no longer apply.
Halo 5 Scripting Basics(top)
Forgehub Channel Scripting Guide
Smooth Movement Tutorials(top)
Exterrestr1al's Even Smoother Linear Motion
Exterrestr1al's Smooth Linear Motion Tutorial
Exterrestr1al's Smooth Phased Rotation
Customizing Weather Effects(top)
NOKYARD's Variable Weather
NOKYARD's Weather or Not
Nested Weather Effects by Yumudas Beegbut
Flight Mechanics(top)
Exterrestr1al's Complex Motion Flight Mechanics
Chase Target and AI Scripting(top)
Red Hunter's Following Weapons and Pets
Forgehub Youtube Channel's Simple Scripted AI**
Door, Bridge and Pressure Plate Mechanics(top)
Red Hunter's Automatic Doors and Locks
Forgehub Youtube Channel's Doors and Bridges**
Forgehub Youtube Channel's Pressure Plates**
Forgehub Youtube Channel's Dynamic Platform**
Elevator Mechanics(top)
Forgehub Youtube Channel's Working Elevator**
Team Based Scripting(top)
Forgehub Youtube Channel's Team Based Scripting**
Forgehub Youtube Channel's Interactive Timers**
Forgehub Youtube Channel's Switcheroo Static Timer**
Forgehub Youtube Channel's Sequential Switches**
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