This picture is from Zymotic v1 Zymotic has gone through more variants than I can count, but I feel I finally have it right! Zymotic Is an asymmetric map that also plays symmetric nicley. It takes place down in the Crypt. The Attackers Base and the Defenders Base are in opposite corners of the map, along with a large neutral structure in the middle. There are three(3) main paths from the A-Base to the D-Base. The main vehicle path, a ramp into the central Base, and a tunnel in the back of the A-Base. [Recomended People: 4-12] Gametypes: Compatable: 1. Team Slayer 2. Capture the Flag 3. Assault 4. KotH 5. Oddball 6. Territories7. Zymer Flag *Zymer Flag is a One Flag Variant that fits Zymotics gameplay and size very nicely. Vehicles/Equipment/Weapons: Wathog / 1 / 120s Mongoose / 2 / 60s Ghost / 1 / 120s ---------- Plasma Gremade / 5 / 30s Bubble Sheild / 1 / 60s Power Drain / 1 / 60s Regenerator / 1 / 60s ---------- Assault Rifle / 3 / 30s Battle Rifle / 8 / 45s Plasma Rifle / 1 / 60s SMG / 2 / 45s Needler / 1 / 60s Brute Shot / 1 / 90s Shotgun / 1 / 150s Rocket Launcher / 1 / 150s Sniper Rifle / 1 / 120s Download Here! Thanks!
i really like the layout of the map also i have a question is there interlocking? from the pictures taken i can't tell at all from the pics if there is none that could be redone
You can tell from the pics that not much is interlocked. And it doesn't really matter if it is or not, it's the gameplay that matters. This reminds me of Turf from H2. I'm not sure if you intended that but the general vibe it gives off makes me think of Turf. I like the speed bump, makes it feel like your playing Crash Bandicoot or something.
Looks good phillup, I really like the passages on the sides for the warthogs. ^^^^^^^^^ To the person above (Novak) It might not be to interlocked, but it looks smooth and pretty playable, like you said, its the gameplay that matters. I might DL this, im thinking about it. I really like it. 4/5
Everything is interlocked... mostly. And all objects that need to be are geomerged. I'll try and get some better pictures soon. Thanks!
Oh yeah! Phil, I gotta tell you man... I had a blast on this map Sunday. I can't wait to play the updated version, send me an inv when you see me on. I was very impressed with Ver. 1. The engagements were so fun. Team work really pays off here. Aesthetics were grand, but best of all, it just played so well. Great job!
Great Post I really like the layout of this map. The passages and placement of objects look smooth even without interlocking. The vehicle passages a perfect, usually when people make maps that have vehicle and player routes, the vehicle's route is shorter that the player route, thus making walking obsolete. The game play is solid (Yes I actually play maps before posting them, its amazing!). CTF is way more fun than slayer. That is because I feel like either side has better positions at their starting position, so there isn't a lot incentive to get to the other side. Interlocking would be nice, but this map doesn't need it. Not a perfect score because i judge maps on other maps, not just a personal rubric, so 4.9/5
Reminds me of a horrible made Foundry map I played a long time ago. But trust me, this is far from horrible. The immense size of this map, is covered by all of the vehicles, so thats good. The weapon layout is nice, and the layout of the map is also nice. The interlocking is great, and the merging too. The outside halls are very high, which seems empowering. The sniper on this map that is on the outside high walls, could do devasting damage, only to be killed by the Warthog and Gunner. 5/5
Well thank you all! All feedback is helpful and appreciated! I'll be trying to get some tests in shortly for anyone who want to try it out.
geo-merged? hmm i didnt see anything but i will download it and check it. i like that you interlocked your objects, nice layout you got some good ideas... maybe its a little bit open at some spots. Overall well done.
ok lets get started i love the middle and found it great for bring but some of the map you did make a little bit sloppy but the gameplay was great except for a few flaws that can be overlooked great download
Well the only thing I can say at the moment is, 8 BRs is WAY to much, I don't care how big a map is, 8 BRs is just to much. 4 would be fine. And I'd cut the assault Rifles down to just 2 since, in most game types you spawn with them anyways. Also, I didn't see any Frag grenades on the weapon list, but 5 plasma grenades. If that's how it is, I think that's a bit over powered, and it would get seriously annoying being stuck every few minutes. Now the good stuff, the layout looks awesome. Everything seems very smooth and well put together. I'll have to play on it a bit to double check that though. The geo-merging looks really clean too, and if the rumors are true (that it's incredibly difficult for some reason) then good job. The whole map seems relatively flawless. So I've got it in my queue, but it's late here so I'm gonna go to bed and test it tomorrow. I'll get back to you after I've tested it. =)
Hey Phillup, I saw this was posted. (I was Dylanpwns u27 if you don't know) I really enjoyed this map when we tested it. Asymmetric gametypes are a dream here; I really liked One CTF and One Bomb. Team Slayer and Koth were also very fun, but some KOTH hill positions need to be re-thought, but know it's very good. The layout is very unique, I like it, the walkways and LoS on the map are very good for an asymmetric map. Spawns were pretty good; some changes can be made to maximize the spawns in during games where teams have flooded your base so spawn-killing doesn't happen. The aesthetics are ok, nothing stands out majorly, but the map doesn't need to look good to play good. Overall this map is very fun to play with a 4v4 party and I really enjoyed playing on this. Downloaded. 4/5. Keep forging! -Dylan
it looks really fun! but, the pictures are a little blurry. how did you make that speed-bump? it's a really good idea. i also like the warthog paths. so i give it 4/5
Ever since I first played Zymotic, I knew it was a great map. I'm glad you implemented my suggestions, and I'm even happier that they actually worked out. I was scared they'd just make it worse, but I guess I was wrong. Zymotic plays beautifully in aesymmetric games, which is understandable, considering it was made for them. One Flag (esp. the custom gametype) is my favourite, although One Bomb plays great as well. The King of the Hill game I played was a bit of a disappointment, but the fixes you implemented should have fixed all of the troubles our party had with it. I forgot how Team Slayer plays, but I'm sure it plays wonderfully. I still wait to play Territories; I just hope you're able to find enough unimportant things to delete (ahem *tin cup* ahem). I still think that having a third opening to the back hallway that appears in symmetric games. You could just do one test of that in Team Slayer. I think it would greatly help the map's flow right there and make the back hallway more used, even if no powerful weapon spawns there. As far as weapons go, they are very well laid out. They are well-balanced, and there's never one very far away. The sniper is very risky, but is worth it when your team controls it. I wouldn't change a thing with the weapons. Trust me. The map itself is forged perfectly. In all of my testing I experienced no bumps or grenade slips. Everything is interlocked perfectly and geomerged where they need to be. The aesthetics are beautiful as well. Thought the four corners of the map have different individual styles, they are all connected by the maps overall aesthetic theme (as well as the central complex). Zymotic truly is a masterpiece in all definitions.