Apparently you don't listen to infractions. You are just as bad as DEAR2KILL. I have downloaded the map, and it looks quite promising Mallet. You haven't done anything like this before, which is a very groundbreaking move, because of the fact that you spent more time on things other than aesthetics (although Lunar Chronicle did play and look amazing).
^Is not a joke. Further spam comments will result in a report filed, and your name being put on a watchlist o' frequent spammers for a week or more, depending on the severity of the spam and what I ate for breakfast three days ago. If you want to make sure your comments are not considered spam, I suggest at least three sentences or more. Try to not be a total suck-up as well, k?
Ok, communist suck. Its not even funny that you have that in your thread. You have ****ing issues, and need help. They killed millions of people for no reason. I dont like spam either, but you are ****ing sick.
okay, just qued, will post something bad about it once i playthrough it but from what the pictures show me, the interlocking and geomerging looks really good, also, i love (this is kinda random) the section that had 4 doors, and a fence box with a barrier in it, it just looked sexy... ZULU, fblamcking brilliant mallet...that name is so epically awesome. n i am happy to see a pro-forger give 2 shits about someone breaking there map, that is it really doesn't matter if someone gets out of the map, what fblamcking good does that do anyone?
It looks like great fun. I find these gimmick-less map generally play better than the incredibly elaborate maps that focus on aesthetics. I've dled and I'll check it out when I can. ANd to Tex: If a map can be broken by accident that's a terrible thing, but if the only way to escape is if it is done when someone is weilding invulnerability and a Brute shot then you're fine.
Nemi, i already report spammy posts left right and center ... and i generally bad-rep people for doing so. ------------------------------------------- Mallet, darling, this map looks exceptional. The centerpiece is stunning (covered walkway to tunnel bit). Yer truly a master at this art and it definitely shows. I would love to see a map detailing the Layout as well as a weapon list. Although, i'm sure it doesn't really matter as you'll have tested it to the hilt and whatnot
Stupidity in its finest of forms. Anyways Mallet, I love this map, you managed to create space that wasn't there...somehow...
Too true. It seems that most of loco's posts are on his own maps, in most of his maps almost (or more than) half of the comments are by him.
All that area is blocked off lol. The teleporters are there to get players back inside the map if they somehow find themselves outside it. me neither lul. Cheers Spam. All three of you. Thanks I s'pose though? Cool. They are walls under the stairs. Gald you likes How peculiar The spammy posts suck, but at the moment this post is no different. Completely off topic much? eeeh the fun of forge for me is the creative part. This was too... ordinary I suppose. Anyways glad you like, thanks. The green name was appointed some time within the last few hours. Ok Thanks, but stay on topic. Off topic again. Not handling the big site wide events no, you'll see soon enough I should think. getting tiresome. Stop spamming my thread, at least the one sentance dudes are on topic. Ok Cool stuff, thanks. Not sure i would describe it as groundbreaking, if anything its the opposite lol. Cheers nonetheless. =) I hate to break it to you but you have no authority here. You are not a moderator. Report if it you want but do not fill my thread with your threats. the area with the doors is actually my least favourite part lol, I was running our of resources there and had to compromise with what was left which sucked. glad you like it though thanks for the feedback. <3 Cheers. I agree with everything you say, I'm only really concern if someone can get out alone with a nade jump or something, if a team decides they want to get out my maps thats their prerogative. Even the old member can do teh spamzor it seems. pff i don't test anything. I've totally lost interest in playing halo, I use COD4 for fighting and halo for forging, with some GTA thrown in there somewhere. I might make a layout pic but.. I'm not interested in it enough to spend the time doing it lol. Glad you likes anyway, thanks for the compliments hun <3 lolwut? I did? brilliant propbably thanks. Can we please keep this on topic now? kthxbi
I can do teh spamzor... No seriously I mean it: Don't you tell me that this will be the last of its kind coming from you... So awesome...
Nice!!!! Jokes aside, i really did like this when i downloaded it earlier. I remember you saying to me a while ago that i should try something that jumps out as bieng different to my norm, and i think you have done it here. The floating curvy maps have been done alot by you now, and its nice to have a change, even if you plan on going back to them. Its a good shape for 1v1. I dont know if you did respawn areas, but the map can utilise them well for a very fair game. 2v2 would play fair, but not as fun overall because from the centre area you can get access every area by running no more than 10m, which would allow you to control the intire map 2v2. Some nice merging and interlocking here. Merging the walls is a nice touch, and i like the bridge roof bit where it angles into the double box. I think some of the jump areas need lowering slightly, because alot of the time you fail the jump. I also like the weapon placement more than Lunar Chronicle, but it seems you did the complete opposite of what you said in Lunar, about certain weapons bieng over used and boring, but it seems you decided on all of them anyway. Its a shame that you dont test, because alot of your maps have some slight flaws, that if tested, would have cropped up and been taken care of, but i respect your decision, and nevertheless you still get the attention.
what a great way to end! my favorite part was the mini staircase and the sniper on the wall next to it. one thing i'm having truble with is the teleporters. i don't like how u can get out of ur map. if u wanted it that way its fine,but i just don't like 'um. GOOD MAP, even if i disliked the teles.
Meh, I do report. I'm a very bitchy little Japanese kid. Yeah, I know, no authority. But I tend to talk alot to you guys, and for some reason, some little kids here take up some odd fascination into following me, so how fun. Besides, threats do work. Even if they're empty. Ima gonna go on my Xbox to check this out, it looks really good. Damn you and your awesome Forging abilities! Make me angry. =O I think, though, that this looks too normal for you to make.
looks pretty good the interloooking and the layout is really good and looks really fun i like the stairs a cool idea, another good map mallet will dl,
Wow! Excellent job! Once I clear my downloads, I'll DL this immediately! I also have one random question: In the 7th picture down, is that a barrier inside a fence box? Just
Wow, so, i just want to start off by saying, you do know how to make a map. Some people know and have the patiance to perfectly smooth everything and just make a map look nice, but they don't always allow for good gameplay and for different fights every time the map is played. However, this map shows expertise in both of those map making functions. The map itself looks good and by the pictures it shows alot of different hallways and rooms, which shows a good use of your items. Although, i still have yet to play the map, and look at weapon placement/spawning/ and just pure gameplay, i'll definatly download this, and repost if i found any other changable remarks, and/or, how it goes. Congrats on the great map, hope to see more from you soon.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg life is not fair... mallet haz mad skillzorz... mallet get da feature soonzorz... me seez it comin... -------------------------------------- Map is epic mallet... The part with the doors may have been your least favorite part, but I still enjoyed it while pwning someone 1v1... There were only a few things that I would have done separately, and that may have made the map as good as it is, but IDK... For example...there is a spawn point ON the rocket launcher, that is the greatest spawn of all time... Another...YOU DIDN'T INTERLOCK THEM DOUBLE-BOXES to the left and below this battle rifle!!! CRYCRYCRY MOANMOANMOAN lol...who cares... Also, there seem to be quite a few plasma grenades going around, not a big deal really, as i LOVE sticking people, but ya... LASTLY: 2 snipers on a small map with standard ammo? is that legit? I am sure you did it for balance reasons, but if you = pr0 sniper then enemy = dead.
do you think we can see a weapon list and stuff? just curious. im dling i just dont have a router.. :'( im bringing this back from a shallow grave. :-D