Link to thread: ZOMG RECONZ!11! Send to 2 Million friends and unlock RECON!!![/dumbass] and I made this which kinda relates...
Grr i hate this spam .. It obviously doesn't work .. I think this is a joke bu tthe actual spam thats going around is bugging me ..
yep thats a recon obsessed person for you. Well majority of those spams were made from people that will do anything for recon
everybody knows there fake...[stupid]...ive never seen anybody that got recon just because of a pic. but still good pic
i made one of these one time playing shotty snipers on standoff, i sent it to my friend and he still hasnt stopped sending it to people
Glad I'm not the only one... holy ****.. this has 290 downloads already... just because it has RECON in the name -__- that just goes to show how obsessed people are with recon huh?
although.. The whole "I have it and you don't thing would be sweet. But The constant friend requests and 1v1 invites would probably be too much.
My inbox in XBL is constantly full with this Spam...It is very annoying because everyone knows your not going to get Recon for that. And I could really care less if I have Recon or not! So everyone out there that ever reads this !!STOP SPAMMING WITH THESE RECON PICTURES!!
ok! when I got the halo message from teh mastar i looked at what it was called and as soon as I saw recon I didnt look at it.