Yes. Stick with frag. I may not have gotten the metal for it but none-the-less, zooming out and following the nade in slow-mo clearly shows it latching on to the poor sap. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Yeah, like I am going to take the time to download this video, get off of my computer and watch it on my xbox. That would be a NO. Gamevee, pl0x?
Oh sorry, the problem with that is that on gamevee you can't zoom out and watch teh nade in slow-mo. But sure, I'll upload. Umm... How do I upload without capture card?
Well yes, but I thought they were talking about it being uploaded directly from either Bungie or Halo. I could use a cam but it would be pretty bad quality most likely.
Not if you hook up the cam directly from the TV. That way you can record directly in higher definition.
You can actually do that? Do you need some special cables or something? And is it equal to a capture card?
actually, i just watched a tut and no, nothing. youtube a vid for it. Also, Grab on gamevee is down so I can't upload today. sorry, I'll try later if you don't want to watch it on Halo.