This is my zombie map for standoff i hope you like it and tell me if i need to fix anything. The map is in the red base all but two doors are covered the hallway door and the door next to it. The zombies have oversheilds it takes two rockets to kill them the alpha has one shot one kill but it takes one to kill him too and upon revival you are invisable alpha zombie=speedx300 zombies =speedx 150. weapon layout : shotguns maulers feul rod guns rockets machienegun turrets missile pods smg's pistols snipers covenant and human sentinal beams Vehicle layout: wraith:180 seconds till respawn wharthogsx6 [adding the gause wh] ghost chopper the base the hallway the alpha zombies zomboffDOWNLOAD zomboff settings download the thing with the pics it wont let me keep them there for more than 5 min so im just going to leave them as they are until someone explains this well the good thing is on the link it has a pic
I'm sorry, but Infection maps with an "armory" for the humans that has infinite ammo of all the power weapons in it and is practically invincible is a very newbie move. There have been guides posted by people on how to make good infection maps- please read one before posting another map. Also, two of your pics aren't working. You gave the humans WAY TOO MUCH POWER. 1/5
congrats on correct posting +rep you tried but there isnt much forging it seems like it took more time putting weapons on the map than everything else combined
Correction....Pictures don't show up anymore. Poster: You should really save the pictures to your hard-drive then upload them to a site like ImageShack, then host the pictures from there.
i havent read the other comments so im not saying anything about the pics other then that it sounds cool
From the sounds of the map (pictures aren't working) it seems like the Humans might have a bit too much firepower... especially on Standoff where there is little protection for zombies against Rockets, Fuel Rod guns, and such.