Zombies in New York

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Lamasutra, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. Lamasutra

    Lamasutra Forerunner

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    Hello Forgehub.
    This is my latest map on REACH : a big modern city with zombies in it.

    Infected : they are weak (one headshot means dead) but they run fast (200%) and can jump really high. Their aim is to use the background wisely (for instance by jumping from top to top on the buildings) to infect the humans. They always now where they are.
    With the associate gametype (made for 16 players), the game begin with three zombies. Don't hesitate to lower this number if you are less players.
    Every two minutes, a power-up appairs which change you into a tank. It means stronger, more awesome and with a big hammer. But everybody see you. (The aim of the tank is too force people who are hidden to escape. Please use it rarely and mainly against cheaters hidding in non-created for places).

    Humans : They have guns to defend themselves. You can choose between a DMR, an Assault Riffle, a shotgun or a grenade launcher with in each case a magnum with illimity ammo for second weapon. Stay together or you have ho chance !

    The map itself :
    - feature a cool event (the crash of a rescue falcon)
    - more than 10 playable buildings (including skyscrapers) and some other decorativ buildings
    - nice other places where you can make a last stand : a stone quarry, an armory, a graveyard, a town center, a communication ear and a beach (ok, this last one was easy to forge)
    - a nice aesthetic

    I think I have say everything, feel free to edit it (I don't demand copyright) and if you make your own variant (for example for invasion), feel free to post it here because I am too lazy to make it myself.





    Some other views

    This is where the humans start : reaching the city will be your first step. And it's not that easy.


    Action Visuals






    Highest places don't allow you to escape.

    Have fun and feel free to comment.
    #1 Lamasutra, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  2. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    really cool map. althought when i saw the description i imagined wider buildingswith more playable area inside. i think that this map is really cool though. to mak i better you should make it night time. thats wat im gonne do to it anyways
  3. Lamasutra

    Lamasutra Forerunner

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    I don't think a darker night is a very good idea because zombie come from the top of the buildings. You won't be able to see them.

    Thanks for your opinion btw.
  4. King 10011

    King 10011 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You should try to be a little more descriptive about your posts instead of just saying "Nice map" it looks like your spamming.

    As for the map it looks really fun. I've been waiting to find a map that recreates a city for infection. I download and (if I remember) ill comment back on how it was.
  5. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    not being able to see them is the point, a good fear aspect never hurt anyone

    Though, it's still think it really cool as is, do the zombies have fall damage?
    #5 Spartanchief34, Oct 11, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2010
  6. Lamasutra

    Lamasutra Forerunner

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    They come fast, from everywhere and sometimes from over the top of your head. I think that's enough to create a feeling of danger but you can edit it if you want, give me feedback ;)

    And zombies don't have fall damage except if you spawn on the highest cliffs and decide to jump on the ground directly. An easy way to avoid it is to make a step : jump on the top of a skyscraper and then to the ground.
    So it's not a big problem (none of the players who play on it with me as complaining about it untill now).

    Added after 5 Days 19 Hours:

    Wow, almost 10'000 dl, I didn't expect such a sucess !! I don't understand neither how it can have reached 10 times the number of views of this topic because I didn't posted it anywhere !
    Thank btw.
    #6 Lamasutra, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
  7. Giantenemypeen

    Giantenemypeen Forerunner

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    Nice map

    Ive been thinking of making a zombie map with a house not two big and its two storied But i cant think of anything to put in it or its blue prints

    I want it to be kinda like a survival kinda thing. Got any ideas?
  8. DinosaurSuccess

    DinosaurSuccess Forerunner

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    pretty sure that you boosted your download number, considering only 1000 people viewed this thread and you have 10,000 downloads.
  9. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    You'd be surprised, that and it may be posted on other sites and sometimes a popular map variant catches on through the file share system
  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    Natetendo is right, it most likely caught on thru the file share system
    and with a name like the one it has, its sure to attract the attention of literally
    every single infection fan playing the game.

    dont rush to acuse people of something that you cant prove.
  11. Lamasutra

    Lamasutra Forerunner

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    I don't how tha map had been downloaded so many times, and I don't care.
    But if you are interessted, google gave me a first answer : Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Search
    The map is really well placed in the custom search engine.
    And I didn't spammed it anywhere. The title attracts curiosity and maybe the quality is also part of this succes ^^

    Otherwise, I have made a third variant of this game (but in an other city) which is ten times better than this one because I considered every defects that had been provided to me. I will realease it in a few days but I need to play some more games on it to get good screenshots.
  12. Xtermin8R645

    Xtermin8R645 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude nice job in the biuldings and aesthetics. Looks real good, but I have a question: do the biuldings have interior spaces?
  13. DinosaurSuccess

    DinosaurSuccess Forerunner

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    Sorry, I was ****, carry on.
  14. needy154

    needy154 Forerunner

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    good map...looking 4 people to play customs with GT: machuka01
  15. SpreadTanTheMan

    SpreadTanTheMan Legendary

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