Well anyway I was staying up till around 3:00 am in the morning as is my custom during friday nights, and I was watching a brand new GTTV on spike. And their main focus was about Call of Duty WaW. So They show off some of the voice actors (Keifer Sutherland is in it.) ((Guy from tv show 24)) And then they show off something spectacular. **** Zombies. Now I havent found anything on the internet to show it off but it will be on there soon and once it is I will post it. Anyway the way to play it is its a four player co-op game that is unlocked after beating the campaign on any difficulty. And the way it works is you and your buddies are in a boarded up house trying to defend yourself against horde after horde of never ending zombies. The zombies are AI's (sorry no infection game for multiplayer) and you can actually board up the house yourself. It requires a lot of teamwork and if you pull that off your dead. The way to get weapons is from a so called "Toy Box" I dont know how the toy box works yet though. Anyway I will post anything else about this topic whenever it is available. Heres a video enjoy! http://www.gametrailers.com/gametrailerstv_player.php?ep=43&ch=4&sd=1 ( thanks gunslinger)
I think if zombies were added to Call of Duty it would ruin the whole theme of teh game and it wouldt seem as clean and devoted to one topic as it is just an opinion, i hope they dont add this in their future games
its gonna be awsome and its supposed to be very hard after like two levels and it will be like almost impossible to get past 30
also i like the fact that it is co op so you dont have to do it yourself like in COD4 with the last imposible mission
doesnt this also sound like resident evil where you have to buy stuff and well the whole zombie thing
wow.. that sounds alot like the horde mode in GoW2.. i think im gonna go for GoW2 instead though. never really played any CoD games so yeah.. anyways, that looks so sweet. the ability to rebuild is probably really important.. but imagine if the zombies could get guns..
yeah that would suck if they could get guns but they come in waves so it will be like 50 at once to take care of
You know what this reminds me off? The last stand flash game. Probably one of the best flash games ever made. You could find it at armorgames.com
This mode almost made me want to buy the new Call of Duty. But then i remembered that Gears of War 2 had the horde mode which is pretty much the exact same thing except not limited to that one level inside a boarded up house. And Gears of War + Endless Hordes Of Locust sounds better than Soldiers + Endless Zombies. Make your own choice HORDE ZOMBIES EDIT: embed didnt work now just links.