**** Zombies gametype/ Nacht Der Untoten

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by +tA. Taco, Feb 15, 2009.

  1. +tA. Taco

    +tA. Taco Ancient
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    I spend a few hours making the **** Zombie gametype for halo 3. if you wana download this map just fallow the link to my file share at the bottom. i currently don't have any screen shots but i'm making them and will edit this post to add them shortly. But if you have played COD5 and played the **** Zombies map (Nacht Der Untoten or nite of the living dead in german) then you already know your way around this map. there is room for error tho. it's not quite perfect i'm still working on the gametype. The gametype is basically the humans need to stay alive for as long as they can. they have no allotted time because i wanted it to be as close the real thing as possible. they zombies have 75% speed and have no overshields but they are imune to headshots since there so easy to hit. if i need to add anything more please tell me. it's really my first time posting a map >.<

    Outside and fencing area.

    human spawns


    VVVThe mapVVV

  2. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    The first link brings you to your own fileshare. It's like that for everyone... XP

    As for the map, I poked around your recent screenshots and the first three pictures looked like the map. If they are, I must say that I don't think you planned this map out very well... There are window barricades on the top floor, but there is no way for zombies to get up to them unless they could magically float up there. Humans can easily get outside of the building (something you don't want), and that will cause major problems with spawn killing. I have to give this map a 2/5, because it looks like you didn't put too much thought into it, and I can already tell from the pictures that gameplay will suffer. I recommend that next time you design it almost exactly to the actual map in COD, because if you do, it will turn out better (I know from experience, since that is what I'm doing with my **** Zombies map).

    Edit: Thanks for fixing the pictures, and confirming what I saw to be the map.
  3. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    Oh then I apologize. I didn't notice that D:. Either way I still think your map is better than mine. There are a few things that could be used though, in both of our maps.
    Interlocking, Geomerging, and why do you have no wall blocking the staircase spawn point? Oh and you had a couple tiny little bugs I found while messing around.

    Those giant stack of boxes, you can get past them. Uhh... I don't even see why they're there. Either way, the wall and mauler, I'm guessing you tried to interlock but gave up, it's still set to 180, Spawn at start, No. The mauler spawns immediately. Other than that i really like your map. One thing I don't understand is why you have the flamethrower on the crane.. although its good either way.
  4. +tA. Taco

    +tA. Taco Ancient
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    the flamethrower is on the crane so that no one just grabbs it from the beginning and owns all game long.

    and i put those stacks of boxes so that the zombies had to go through the line of fire to get to the side and rear windows like in the actual game.
  5. skulltooth

    skulltooth Ancient
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    Line of fire? One problem, you can't get past the boxes. I've tried. And on the windows on the upstairs, I thought a wall thing was going to pop out when the stairs spawned. I was wrong I suppose. I'm changing my rating to 2/5 but I can't officially.
  6. daxter7

    daxter7 Ancient
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    Nice map, can't wait to play ^.^
  7. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    me and my friend made a **** Zombie map and we actually had stairs to the upper floors that were blocked until like a minuet when fusion coils fell and destroyed it.
    then in the main room we did the same thing with the stairs goin to the nade room sept the fusion coils would fall after 2 minuets AND we made a "random box"
    i wish my gt linking was working so i could post it sad face
  8. KilerG

    KilerG Ancient
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    Looks cool, but might I suggest some pallets? You can set them to 10 second respawn, and put a weapon holder behind it to keep it up. That way the zombies have to slash it like in the real thing.

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