The thread I wrote up yesterday was a rough version of a map I was preparing to be used for "Save one Bullet". After playing a LAN match on the map the least I can say for the gameplay was meh. Humans camped on the roof and players would stay in the attic and gun down at zombies. So I forged the map and made players have to guard the whole house rather than just the upper levels. Heres the final version. Heres Photos of the map and some quick explanatory captions. Before This is a picture of the house before it underwent some remodeling. After Heres the new house. As you can see a hood has been added to the attic window to keep humans from accessing the roof. In order to do this I also had to remove the street light. This photo shows the blue light at the back of the house. But this is an early photo of the re-forging and now both lights are inside either square. I have tested and humans could only get to the roof by using the zombies man cannons. Good luck doing that! OMG ZoMg1eZ!!! Once zombies work their way over to one of your entrances they must break some pallets and move some barricades. This doesnt take long for zombies so guard them doors! Full Frontal Here is the front yard. I didnt forge much of this. I added more respawn points and made the fence on the left side of the house taller. Many are worried about zombies getting spawn killed. But from what ive played this is hard to do because they spawn all around you if you go outside the fence. Pull up the ladder!! Here is the entrance to the attic. Under it are stairs and the 2nd floor of the house. The attic is a good place to hold out however when zombies get man cannons they can enter through holes in the roof. Who built this house? Heres the hole I was talking about. Its makes the attic more vulnerable but theres some pallets that must be moved or broken. This might give you an early warning to look up! Still talking about the attic? This is the attic window and turret. Covering the turret operator is key to gunnin down some zeds. You can also stand on part of the roof and use your handguns but the hood restricts major rooftop access. Now you see me..... Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you. One minute into the round invisible zombies will start attacking. Oh yeah and every minute after that too. What a beautiful view The 2nd floor. Its the floor with the most windows. This is a good floor for shooting in all directions. However it has lightly barricaded doors. Rock bottom Groundlevel. Or the most dangerous floor in the house. Get prepped and dont stay too long. Heres the map!! : Halo 3 File Details
If you knew you were going to make the V2 right after.. you could have just updated the original thread instead of making a new one.
It looks good, but I agree with Turtle BEETCH, but it doesn't matter that much. The map and post looks good, but if I could offer my opinion again I think that since the basement is so dangerous it should be worth going to. Is there weapons down there or something else? If the basement is as dangerous as you say it is, you could probably risk a weapons cache. I know a lot of people are against them, but if they're done right they can be great for an infection map. Just my opinion though.
Hay i don't care about what they say, this is a good map. i thought that it looked great along with it being so playable! But if you want someone to go where you want them to, put an incentive to go there. like the basement. people will ignore parts of your map no matter what so just try to get the good parts out there Plus, it's a new map! so who cares if its a new post. why should time matter from when you post the first version. we all care about posts, so don't spam and try to be the first person to say, "i don't like your post."
wow awesome map, i love the window with the turret in. i agree that humans should have a reason to go down to the bottom by having all the ammo down there. it will make the game more interesting.
Well thanks for the positive feedback. Others came here to shove the rulebook in my face AGAIN! Well all of you saying I should put a weapons cache I cant this is for save one bullet not normal infection. However Hallow House AKA the map this sprouted from has weapons on it.
Im just telling you.. your not the only one with a map thats wants to be seen.. you just pushed a map to the 2nd page.. Im not trying to be a Mod or anything.. just keep the forums clean.