Zombie Tundra by a P3Rson Zombie Tundra is a zombies map with gameplay completely based off of timed map events. The zombies have a custom powerup to use after 45 seconds, making them stronger and faster. The powerup spawns before the humans start to get their goodies, but most of the time the zombie will only get one person before being taken out. With teamwork, there's a chance that the zombie won't get anyone(this has only happened once and the zombie was a guest). It's very difficult to survive for the entire 4 minute round because the zombies get 3 camos to use, and it gets dark. The game starts with one zombie by default, this should only be changed under special circumstances. Trust me, the number of zombies will grow gradually. Note: If you have a party with alot of veteran players(veteran= played at least 5 or 6 times) I would reccomend raising the starting number of zombies to 2. The same goes for large parties with at least 11 people. There is a small hole where the zombies spawn that's MEANT to be there(as shown above). It should lure in beginners, which will just make the number of zombies grow even faster. Note: It is possible to be killed through the glass walls by a sword. Download Zombie Tundra Map Here Downoad Frozen Death Gametype Here Update: Special thanks to everyone who helped test this, especially LOCKdowNMap and Gametype by a P3Rson
Just to get this out: My friend, TankedGrif(great guy) brought his friend with him one day to see this map(I can't remeber his friend's name) his friend claimed he made this map. I'm not sure if he was kidding or trying to steal it because Grif seems to belive that he made it. Maybe he made a map similar to this without my knowledge, but he was able to say it was his as soon as the game started and I highly doubt he made an identical map but you never know. Bottome Line: I did not steal this.
give me special thanks, i helped test this like 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.7685 times fun map, a little repiTITive at times, not very well made, but still HELLA foon
Aww. You called me a great guy. <3 I'm pretty sure my friend claimed making a different map, but whatever. It's a good map, very entertaining.
Looks simple obviously, but for a good purpose. Looks extremely fun and a time killer when really bored or have a full party.
Reminds my of a big tipped over fridge with zombies in. Looks very fun, is there a dominative side on this? e.g. does human or zombie have a better chance of winning?
Each side has as much a chance of winning as either team does in a slayer match. Better teamwork, better skill= win.
u would make a map on avalanche so i cant download it lol jk but looks like it will be a crazy mess around map for some all out fun ill DL whenever i get the map pack and had crazy fun at TGIF with yall last nite