I have done maps that dont even deserve this gamemode. I have been trying to figure out the last and Final Map. Some maps are really hard to work with. - Isolation - Last Resort - Etc. The List goes on, I have 5 Maps Total so far. I currently working on a Longshore Map With Nick The Ratman and an Orbital Map with Organite. While Captn works on the only map I wont work with for this pack (Sandbox), Im still wondering what would give I final bang to the story. Here's a List of Maps I've Worked on: Cold Storage: (Facility 115) Ghost Town: (Anicent Jungle) LongshoreThe Barracks, Unknown) Orbital: (Unknown) The Pit: (Contempt) Rat's Nest (Forbidden Road) Blackout: (?) I need some serious suggestions. If you have a Solution towards this problem, Please Message me or PM me. Thanks.... Im also Looking at High Ground. Speaking of which, Zombie Horde has a Release Date: Later February 28th 2010! CaptnSTFU, Organite and BabyBaconStrips will be adding there maps into the DLC Pack or will be releasing after the DLC Pack!
Guardian would be interesting....you could have them hold out in the center of the map since that gives the most distance between humans and zombies. It'd be REALLY hard to do, but it does have the potential to be frikkin' awesome. I think Standoff and Avalanche would be pretty good candidates for whatever you're looking for
This gives me an idea. While not necessarily on Guardian, you should have the game be a final stand on a platform hovering above the death zone, with zombies coming in from every direction. After a certain amount of time, Custom Powerups giving you slightly enhanced abilities (though only for 20 seconds) and possibly some more weapons spawn, eventually leading up to a sort of escape vehicle that functions as your way out.
Zombie Horde works like this.... I try making this very simple in a couple of parts: 1. Humans have a certain amount of ammo and health. Mainly focusing on huge amounts Teamwork. (I do believe that this is the first gametype that doesn't revolve around Infinate health or 1 shot Zombies and Does Humans a Chance to live for once with out dieing from 1 hit with the Sword.) 2. There is no escape for the humans, I want them to see how the story of the zombie began and where the humans went.
Deadport (my Orbital one) is being completely... refurnished? to fit the Zombie Horde gametype. I'm trying to base it off what I experienced playing apocalypse (or ancient jungle) Being as it was originally a Judgment map, substantial adjustments are being made to make it more free-flowing. For the sake of me looking like a loser in your signature, The map is called Deadport and it's about 36.24% done.
yeh, do one on high ground. make it so the map is only the base and the best spot to be right at the back of the map. make plenty of spawn nests to prevent camping though because it would be quite small.
Thanks for the suggestion but I already made one on High Ground. I have 34 Message for High Ground so I did high ground. I will be releasing the DLC Pack Sometime Next Week!