Zombie Heaven Description: When you start you are swawned inside the map but when you rush to the teleporter so you don't die you will be teleported out the map. When you arrive you will be spwned next to some mongooses (mongeese) which you can drive or run to the safe point. The safe point is a point where the zombies can't get to very easy becuase there is a turret blocking the way. Then once that point is compromised you can run back and go through a hidden teleporter that takes you the last resort room that the only way in is the tele porter so you can block it with the trip mines and shields. Have Fun ;D Gametype: Infection (any) Link:http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=14312457 Pictures: Zombie Spawn Human Spawn and teleporter Teleporter Safe Point Weapons Area Last Resort Tele Last Resort Room
Congrats on your first map and post, but something you will need to learn is to embed your pics or no1 will look at your map.
Could this be, a map on Isolation? A change from Foundry is nice, I like believe this is a little too unoriginal however. It's fun getting out of maps but its beginning to get old. And I sure hope heaven is nothing like Zombie Heaven. Good efforts though.