Map Title: Zombie Defense A map with a specialized gametype featuring a timed zombie release, multiple zombie invasion paths and a fallback room in case of failure to defend the base. Download Map Download Gametype Description: In the beginning the zombies spawn trapped in a building. After the humans are given 30 seconds to prepare, a teleporter is opened for the zombies to escape. From there, the zombies have several options: they can take either of 2 grav-lifts, ascend the stairway, or attempt to sneak in through the tunnels. If the humans fail to protect their stronghold, there is a teleporter leading to a fallback room. Unfortunately, the zombies can follow.The game has 50% of the population as zombies and because of this, it is best for large games. Also i apologize for not having screenshots in this post. Hope you like it
Understanding!!!!! You will not be getting my download until I see pics. And i swear if this is another stupid fortress with only one way in for the zombies than never come back. Thank you for understanding. ~ HaloStriker214
Don't take me for a fool. I know what makes a zombie game good and bad. I have been playing zombies since Halo 2 came out. It is an open area with multiple attack paths. From your post, it seems that you didn't even read the description. Don't be so quick to judge and assume. I apologize, but i cannot access my Xbox until this weekend and so i will not be able to add screenshots. If you don't trust that my map is worthwhile than that is your decision. I am just asking you to give it a chance. -Hari