screw the descreption. just download the damn thing. screw the descreption. just download the damn thing.
Stoner im glad to tell you this you finally posted the damn thing! (i gave him step by step instuctions over xbox live) but now you missing the discription and you need one. so go to the bottom of your post and click edit then type what the map it about. guys this is a good map by the way fun to play with 16 people for fat kid.
Hmm this seems like a cool map to sit at the top and snipe your friends and stuff with. I would interlock more and try to get this map a little comptetive and you should be fine with a v2
This looks really. Screw it. I'll just download. I'm sure pllenty of people are telling you how the description is not very effective, and I won't add to them. Sorry to say, this map has hardly anything to it. This post is just spam. No better.
I'm sorry to inform you that your map is not up to standards. It states in the rules, that all maps must have at least a brief description. If this map is not up to standards in the next 9 hours you will receive an infraction and a lock of your thread.
I dont think ill download with such a negitive comment with no description. Welcome too forgehub btw.