Ziggurat This map is my first attempt to forge asymmetrically on sandbox. It features a multitude of structures, buildings, and pieces of cover, along with things such as weapons, grenades, equipment and vehicles. The gameplay on the map involves all of these elements, combined with objectives for objective based games. Shooting occurs out in the open, along with indoors, for the structures that support interiors. What I'm basically try to say here is that I don't exactly know what the gameplay is like, because it doesn't really play like anything else. You'll need to play it to understand. Weapons which matter: 1 Spartan Laser 1 Rocket Lawn Chair 1 Shotgun 1 Sniper Rifle 1 Overshield 1 Active Camo I recommend 1 Sided Objective Games (1 bomb, 1 flag) along with Team King of the Hill and Slayer. Asymmetric games aren't too bad either, but I'd like to think what you think. Because I failed in words, have some pictures. Overhead view of the map Overhead with strange symbols on the map... Red Base The top, from behind The Quarry, behind Red Interior shot of red Laser Spawn, or The Pillar Arches & Blu Needler Blue Base Close up on the entrance. Ooh.. A shotgun Sniper towar & Blue Pillar Atlas Thread Download Please return here with praise/comments about my map. I want to make it more goodlier, so help me help myself. Get into matchmaking.
This map looks awsome...i love how the ziggurat looks like its being excavated by archeaologists or something or its not finished being built.Great job!
I would recommend moving the Spartan Laser on the top of Red Base to the the bottom (depending on where that team starts) to allow a small period of time for the attackers to "mobilize" an assault and not get fried instantly (assuming Red Team spawns very close to that laser.) Personally, I would also remove or move a few pieces of the random pieces of cover to allow the vehicles on the map to play a more dominant role in assaulting the base. I don't think you really need four mongooses on the map, and I would recommend instead, to switch out one mongoose for an Asymmetrical Spawn Warthog for the attackers, and cut out the other (one from each side) entirely. Other than that, the map looks very well forged. There are a few places were interlocking would have made it look tidier,(specifically speaking about interlocking the arches on the arch bridge to the large ramps) but there aren't many major flaws as far as map geometry is concerned. Hopefully, this will get into matchmaking, as it seems it would be a great addition to the Hopper. *NO RATING*
Well... I can tell people aren't actually looking, let alone playing, on my map. It makes it hard not to whip out the hammer. Spartan laser isn't on top of the Red base. It's by the pillar, as in the picture. Four mongooses only spawn in Symmetric games, in Asym, one is replaced by a Warthog while the other is replaced by a Chopper. "Sloppy" isn't feedback. Thank you for telling me specifically what I can improve, Cheat, but to the others, saying "TRY MORE INTERLOCKING" isn't helpful. If I had felt that interlocking would dramatically improve the game experience, I would have done it. I'm sick of people posting reviews without giving the map even a shred of a chance. If you aren't going to do mapmakers the small justice of downloading their map before reviewing, do them a favour and don't post at all.
Well, unfortunately I am unable to download your map at the moment, which is why I did not rate or give your map a full review (as I normally would.) I am quite sorry if I came off looking like that one "****" who bashes/reviews a map without playing, and trying to sell it like he did. From the pictures, it looked as if that was the Spartan Laser on top of Red Base, sorry if I seem ignorant, but I cannot see very well. However, to my defense, you did not mention any Asym. Spawning Warthogs in your post, you simply stated: I don't think I saw any icons for them on the overview either (however I may be wrong, as the icons are small, and I am quite tired.) I did not mean to offend you by posting so ignorantly, but I will be sure to download this map and give it a full review as soon as I can. ~The Cheat~
I haven't downloaded it yet, but from the looks of it, it is very clustered. Yeah, that's the word i was looking for. I believe you have too much cover. It seems as if there would be no br'ing but all close range weaponry. I'll give it a shot and see what i think.