Zanta Zanta has to be one of my favorite maps for slayer and team slayer. This map has two ghosts that spawn on each of the 2 bases on one base there is an easy access to the energy sword, and the other base has easy access to the shotgun, and both of the bases have an easy access to the sniper and rocket. I based this game on a city, there is a street that leads to both of the bases. If I was playing this game I would get to the top of the map to get the advantage over the other team. This map is on Mod Ringblades File Share. I would have had a video but my xbox has RED RINGS so i hope you have fun on this map because I will when I get my new xbox Zanta Turf This is a custom made map that was made on foundry. This is a remake of the map turf from halo 2 all of the original weopons that where from halo 2 are on this map. I also added a few extras check it out. This map is in Mod Ringblades File share I Would have put a video on this map but my xbox has RED RINGS. Turf
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