Yukon Canyon

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Shock Theta, Aug 25, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. OK

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Thanks for posting the second map. It's great how this map was forged on Avalanche, I expected all the 2v2 maps to be on Foundry :). I played on this yesterday for a few 2v2s and some 1v1s, it's a pretty good playing map, nice job Furious D, you've got some very original ideas there. I think a map made for the Tourney on the outside area of Blackout would be pretty cool too. Keep it up. 4/5.
  2. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    It's fun just walking a round this map and seeing how all the different areas are linked together. Despite being so large, everything feels connected. You're never forced to traverse large open areas, there's always cover or an alternative path available.

    Aesthetically, the shield door sign is great, but I don't think the bunker is getting enough love. The thing looks like a mess but the path on top of the bunker is actually completely smooth. Walking over it is a pleasant surprise.
    NeverlessWonder likes this.
  3. WispyHobo54

    WispyHobo54 Ancient
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    A good map. Im not sure if it would work out for 2v2 but it seems like a great map for big teams.
  4. B3NJ4M1N08

    B3NJ4M1N08 Ancient
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    Hey! I thought no one lived in the Yukon? : ) No but seriously it looks sweet, I especially like the FH sign.
  5. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    OH MY GOD. It's so unbelievable how many fools post on a map without reading the post or the thread. IT SAYS IN HIS POST THAT THE BUNKER IS SUPPOSED TO LOOK SLOPPY. IT'S CALLED REALISM. And really, why are people still bashing this map? It's great. Just because you don't like a map doesn't mean it's a bad map. It's just like art. If you don't like a certain piece of art because it doesn't fit your style, then that doesn't mean it's bad. And anyway, a map is made first for its gameplay, and then for its looks. This is for the 2v2 tournament. Therefore, it's supposed to be made for GAMEPLAY. What about that do you people not understand????? @whoever said this above: It's just like Arby n' the chief. "UM I THIKN IT R SUXZ CUZ IT R HAZ BAD INTRLOX ADN U SUK AT FORJEN G3T FR3NDZ U LO3ZR".

    Idc if you all decide to give me negative rep, because if you do then I'll know who did it...
    #65 Norbert220, Aug 26, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2008
    NeverlessWonder and Shock Theta like this.
  6. Cookieking23

    Cookieking23 Ancient
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    I love this map, very fun. The only problem that I have is the sometimes the firebomb switch seems to go off prematurely, its only happened once or twice though so no big deal. I look forward to playing this map in the 2 v 2 tourny. 5/5
    Norbert220 likes this.
  7. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    It goes off after three minutes no matter what.
  8. Al3x Pt4k

    Al3x Pt4k Ancient
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    nice map i like the FH in the first pic
  9. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    thats very much impossible to put down random objects without thinking, at least with this map. do me a favor Iced, go check how many times he geomerged and interlocked.
    Norbert220 likes this.
  10. sgt n00b34

    sgt n00b34 Ancient
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    Dude you are amazing! 5/5
  11. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    Awesome map. Im fixin to pee my pants over this 2v2 tourney its gonna be TIGHT
  12. firewolf34

    firewolf34 Ancient
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    rofl sexbox. Thats what i call it! lol so yeah awesome map. i just wish people wouldnt spam the polls. Im on to you Tex.
  13. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    Uhmm sorry to contradict you but i can.....

    Havn't heard back from Neverless but he should be taking a look at the vid right now.... so it will hopefully be fixed, and there is proof just not showing everyone incase they dont feel the need to fix it because its sort of difficult.
  14. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Video plox?
  15. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Ahh... so much idiocy here to have some fun with. Lets get to work shall we? *cracks knuckles*

    Unorganised? By what do you base that opinion? Have you read the post, or even the blog post that accompanies it? There is a wealth of information out there about this map and if you had read any of it you would have realised that Furious put more thought into organisation, design, gameplay and aesthetics than you or most anyone here could ever hope to achieve on any one map.
    Here is a link to the blog. Srsly. Go read it.

    1. Orly? I'm still skeptical...
    2. Yes. It was. I'm still "LOL"ing.
    3. And now I'm "LOL"ing at the nonsense you have posted as your third point.
    Let me tell you something. He has every right to call you a low life, a noob, and practically whatever else he wants to call you. You know why? It's the same reason why morons like you are allowed to state your opinion on a map by looking at 3 pictures of it.

    And I gotta say that your last sentence is especially ignorant. I can forgive someone being unsure of a map before downloading it, but I cannot forgive idiocy like this. I hate people who think that just because they've been a member longer than someone else that it gives them the right to treat them like crap.
    Have you ever seen any of Furious' maps before? He's well known for his skills in map design and gameplay. He didn't come to be famous by kissing ass and making posts in forums. He's famous because he's made some awesome maps in that past that have excellent design and planning put into them and they are seriously fun to play.

    So considering Furious' background here, I seriously cannot believe that someone would think that he just placed something down randomly without any thought at all.
    Unless you just never heard of the guy, which I can forgive.

    Again, just like I'm telling all the noobs right now, try reading the map posts every now and then. You might learn something.

    Alright, now onto the good posts.

    Thank you! A sensible poster. You're right of course, every single map in the tournament has been tested rigorously for MONTHS.

    So to look at a few pictures of a map and say that it looks like **** and no fun to play on, is absolutely ludicrous. It's just mind-baffling idiocy.
    Thank you for noticing this truth and having a little faith in the people who are working hard to bring a little enjoyment to the community. If I haven't +repped you for this, please remind me to.
    I agreed with everything in your post, but I agreed with this most of all.
    Norbert220 and LIGHTSOUT225 like this.
  16. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    Nice, kinda sloppy boxes, also how did you get all the boxes the color you want them? Anyway I still give 5/5. I also saw this on the preview of the "2v2" Playoffs!
  17. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Ok, so lets suggest it is virtually possible to escape, please explain what meaningful purpose would this act serve?? I'm pretty sure I have read that unless there is a logical reason why you poofed outside the boundaries your team is to be disqualified. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    yes, you break the map, and your team will be disqualified. end of story, no questions asked.
  19. youngian

    youngian Guest

    is the FH part necessary you suck up! NA just kinding man! this looks like a good map but i'll have to play it first before giving an honest opinion .
  20. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    LoL i dont care about breaking it during the tournament.....seeing as im not in it. I'm just stating that as a flaw of the map.... Although not a gameplay flaw it is a problem.

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