Yukon Canyon

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Shock Theta, Aug 25, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

  2. OK

  3. Average

  4. Good

  5. Great

  1. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    So much negative rep to hand out in one thread. Damn, people! I'm not even going to explain why I disapprove of that quote.

    Anyway, I was a large part of testing for this map (check Furious' picture stories), and it comes with my seal of approval (as well as the seals of some other people with good opinions). It's really impressive what Furious has done with such a large area in making it play well for 2 on 2 games. Weapons and paths are balanced perfectly. It's definitely the most 'different' map in the tourny (thus far) and you should all be happy that they've been able to include so much variety in the tournament.
  2. NymBomer

    NymBomer Ancient
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    Great Map. Something not set on Foundry which makes it soooo much more original.
  3. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Thanks for posting, everyone. To those of you who have played actual games on the map during testing: thank you for your help and comments. This map would not be half as good without your valuable input and direction. I'm very pleased with this map, and I owe a lot to you all. I'd like to quote some of the comments from you guys.

    Again, those are comments from people who have played matches on this map already. Thanks again guys.

    To those of you complaining about aesthetics: gameplay was my priority. But after that, I put a great deal of effort into geo-merging, interlocking, making the boxes certain colors, and of course the FH sign. She isn't the belle of the ball, but she gets the ****ing job done.

    Well, then I feel sorry for anyone who has just joined. Seriously, I would urge you to not offer opinions of a map based solely on the pictures. As for lack of interlocking, I interlocked every box in The Big Blue Wall. And pretty much everywhere else, too.

    You are entitled to your opinion of this map. But by the same token, I am entitled to my opinion of you. You are a moron. No offense.

    The bunker was supposed to look like a mess. I've grown tired of boxy maps with 90 degree angles everywhere. For this part of the map, I basically had an idea for a bunker, and started placing objects randomly. Then, I stepped back from it, and tried to determine what worked and what didn't. From there, it was a series of adjustments until I was satisfied that I had created something unique, fun, and playable.

    I was going to address this comment, but rusty already took care of it.

    Ok, to wrap up:

    Guys, this map has undergone a lot of testing and a lot of adjustments. I'm very happy with the result, and I think it's a great map. But not everyone will like it, especailly not the teams that lose on it. I understand that. Please feel free to post honest opinions and concerns without worrying about getting flamed.

    But if you do post, please make sure that it is a worthwhile post. Don't just look at the pics and click on the Post Reply button. Don't waste my time.
  4. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    thank you for the nice map for the two on two looks like it will play well with the 2 on 2 DL and get some rounds of it in
  5. Rubber Grunt

    Rubber Grunt Ancient
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    I quite honestly don't think this map should be featured, if it weren't for the 2vs2. It just doesn't look that clean or well organised, but I guess some maps play a lot better than they look, I'll have to find out my self.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    omfg, how can you guys complain? Furious has tested this rigorously for months. He is the king of gameplay, a map for a serious competition doesn't need to be a ****ing aesthetic masterpiece, I'll admit, I don't like the look of it much, but there's a lot of originality in it. If most of the higher-ups say it is good, I'm going to trust them over some nub screaming "NEDS MOAR INTRLOX IT R NOT PURDY 0/5!"
    NeverlessWonder likes this.
  7. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
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    Quote for the Monumental Truth.

    Let me see; if we created shitloads of beautiful looking maps for the tournament, but didn't bother with the gameplay, all that would happen is that every competitor would whine and complain about how the 'gameplay sucked'.

    Honestly, some of you people have no common sense.


    Getting on-topic, this map may not look like a Forgers wet-dream, but it plays like a Competitive map should. The play space is excellently utilised to create some interesting dynamics between long and short range combat.

    Do yourself a favour and download the map.
    NeverlessWonder likes this.
  8. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Wow, I've never heard more bitching in one thread.

    Luckily the 2v2 forces people to play this map, so I'm betting a lot of the people complaining now will love this map in the end.

    Furious, you have done a great job with this map. I've loved every game on it thus far. I can't tell you how many countless times I've been inches from a flag capture, only to be killed. There was one time when I was playing with you that the flag literally fell on the return point as we were both gunned down. People will come around to this map, they just weren't expecting something so different from the norm.
  9. EZappa

    EZappa Ancient
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    I'm almost 100% sure he made the FH sign by interlocking a shield door with a few "wall corner" pieces.
    Draw the Line likes this.
  10. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    You are correct good sir!

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Now to give an actual opinion on the map. I really like how you worked with the geometry/map, especially the one way mancannon, it looks nice and open, but not too open so that a BR could just dominate, I think plasma grenades are a good choice aswell. The bunker is a nice and useful feature, I just don't like how you have to crouch to get in in certain parts.
  12. Mental

    Mental Ancient
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    The only thing i can say without actually playing a real game on this is that it looks really really big..... it may have a fun but slow gameplay with only 2v2.

    Also you can jump out of it........
  13. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    ^ What? That's a lie! lol
    I wanna see proof.
  14. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    they truly don't have a choice, let those who complain about the map be the ones who get splattered by me next week while theyre sitting there saying "waaaahhhh this map is ****. it looks like poopie. why cant I be picked to make something better than this.??1!!!!!!!!11111!1"

    play two games right now, slayer and one flag and come back and share your noble opinion.

    ohh uhm for the record, you can't escape.
  15. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
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    1, Im not a kid. 2, that forehead joke wasn't even funny. 3, this map is in the featured forums, so that means its featured! Do you understand how mad you just made me by saying that, loser! Your just a "low life" who kisses a whole lot of ass!

    You have no right to call people low lives and noobs just because they criticize a map. Why don't you kiss some ass on some other website!
    I can't believe you actually have the nerves to call people noobs when you just join Forgehub this month!

    What nikheizen said....
  16. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    In the first pic, it looks like someone is jumping over the wall. It's just a camera angle though, the map is impossible to escape.
  17. furious charlie

    furious charlie Ancient
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    played 2vs2 with my friends. I have to say this map is sick! it reminds me of maps from older games where everthing is simple, but it works so well!

    the only thing i can say is that when you go in the man cannon from the base you fly straight over that top bit. it would have been good if you could get up there?
  18. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    A player would be too dominant up there with a sniper rifle. There is a way up there though...
  19. furious charlie

    furious charlie Ancient
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    fair do's
  20. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    Wow. I was excited to play, Urban and this. This map is full of bad. It doesn't even look that well forged. I know it is made on avalance, where it is hard to forge, but this looks just plain sloppy. It looks like furious just put down random objects in places, without thinking.

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