Wow, he describes very adequately what has happened to this website in not so polite terms, but accurate none the less.
THIS GUY HAS IT ALL FIGURED OUT! Why do people write in response to a video if they don't like it or don't have constructive critisism? Also, people get offended over the TINIEST FRICKEN THINGS nowadays! A good example is some kid about a month ago, but a replica of the twin towers to remember 9/11 when the twin towers fell. It wasn't playable, it just had some screenshots to remember that day. Next thing I knew, the kid was beaten the hell out of from people saying "you incensitive jerk", or ,"This is really offensive". Look people. I hate that that event ever happened. I never want it or anything of that stature to happen again, but it was seven years ago. It was terrible, but there has to be a point at which we no longer look back, but learn from our mistakes and move forward into a brighter future. I don't know how I got so off-topic, but this guy does have it all figured out. People just don't think before they post any more. Thanks for bringing this video to my eyes. And as always Love, Zachary9990
this guy really got it down in a nutshell about how the new users on youtube get less and less productive after a period of time and star posting things like conspiracy0 here "no u."adding a . dose not make it any more productive......hes a bit blunt but got it all wrapped up....
You look at the comments on YouTube videos nowdays and its just like "Wow she's sexy, I'd hit that ass anyday" Its ridiculous.
Indeed it is Mastar. Saying something on Youtube is like stepping on a landmine. "I didnt really like that bit there, was boring" someone responds saying "**** YOU!" Its completely ridiculous. Youtube has become an enormous flame war.