Your Video Game Top Tens.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Camel Carcass, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. KsqueaK

    KsqueaK Ancient
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    Top Ten Games Of All Time

    (these arent in any specific order because that would be way to hard to do)

    11: Zelda: Ocarina of time
    10: MegaMan 5
    09: Goldeneye 007
    08: Pokemon (red/blue/gold/silver lol sounds lame but i loved those games)
    07: Donkey Kong Country 1 & 2
    06: Super Mario 3
    05: Grand Theft Auto 3 (they all were good but this one was the first of its kind o and san adreas was a joke, god was it awful)
    04: Super Mario 64
    03: Halo 3
    02: SilkRoad Online
    01: Counter-Strike (1.5 was the best one IMO, then 1.6 then source)

    man 10 is way to short of a list for this lol. theres so many i want to put down. man this is way to hard to choose! but o well ill just stick with this list even this its probably way off.

    for the 2 guys who were talking aboiut star fox 64, that was an AWESONME game,
    simpsons road rage was a whole lot of fun too damn.
    SUper Smash bros too.

    cant forget all the mortal kombats. man i just want to talk and talk about all the great games (ive been playing video games since i can remember, probably since i was able to hold a controller i can go on and on and on so ill stop)
    #41 KsqueaK, Sep 17, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2009
  2. Twilight

    Twilight Ancient
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    10. Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
    9. Final Fantasy X
    8. Resident Evil
    7. Halo 3
    6. Half-Life 2
    5. Paper Mario
    4. Super Metroid
    3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    2. Resident Evil 4
    1. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

    Not exact order, but fairly close.
  3. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
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    Top Ten games:

    1.Fallout 3
    2.Halo 3
    3.Dead Space
    4.Call of Duty 4
    7.FarCry 2
    8.Gears of War ONE
    9.Half Life 2
    10.BattleField: Bad Company
  4. nitrotomato

    nitrotomato Ancient
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    Some of these aren't console games, I figure that's fine. My experience with gaming is narrow yet wide - I haven't played many games but I have played a variety of genres and styles.

    Top 10 Games:

    10 - Oblivion - Pretty much the only RPG I ever got into. The natural world was beautiful and I loved developing my character. The wilderness I found breathtaking.
    9 - Homeworld Cataclysm - An excellent sequel to one of the greatest RTSes of all time. Great story, gameplay and interface refinements. Loved it.
    8 - Burnout 3 - When I got this the experience was mind boggling. Still can't beat the one that started off the rest of the modern burnout games. Fantastic stuff. The sense of speed, destruction is unrivalled.
    7 - Serious Sam (Second Encounter) - You couldn't get me off this if you tried. Endless hordes of absolutely ridiculous enemies being fought with ridiculous weapons, alongside my mates? Absolute blast and excellent level design and sense of humour.
    6 - Homeworld 1 - The story throughout this game is fantastic and the level of strategy required to succeed in Hard Mode is unbelievable. Multiplayer is also varied and very tactical.
    5 - FEAR - A classic, immensely visceral action. Definitely the most satisfying gunplay of any game I've played, very creepy in places and good AI. The sequel can't hold a candle to this.
    4 - Farcry Instincts - Loved the open environments, gunplay (though the AI was a bit stupid), and while most people disliked the Feral abilities, I enjoyed them immensely. Great multiplayer and level editor too. Farcry 2 was good, but not like this.
    3 - Halo CE - Been playing this for years and years, I am still not tired of it. Whilst (I feel) the multiplayer wasn't as refined as H3, the SP in this is superb, and an unforgettable experience.
    2 - Halo 3 - The perfect culmination of the trilogy. Incredible multiplayer gameplay. Not much else to say on this.
    1 - Descent 2 - Old skool stuff this is. My favourite multiplayer game of all time, hands down. Immense skill and fun, coupled with a huge variety of weapons and playstyles, along with the 6 degrees of Freedom and you have yourself a winner. Add to that a kickass, still thriving community and POW.

    Top 10 Weapons from Games

    10 - BFG - Quake 3 Arena - Like the Fuel Rod Gun, but absolutely kickass.
    9 - Battle Rifle - Halo 3 - Though I feel it dominates H3 a bit much, it's still hella fun to use, and very skillful.
    8 - Railgun - Quake 3 Arena - Nailing opponents from across the map and gibbing them was never so much fun as with my Pink beams of death!
    7 - Type 7 Particle Rifle - FEAR - Holy hell I loved this gun. It feels so powerful, and reduces opponents to carbonized skeleton? I would run like **** from this gun!
    6 - SBC Cannon - Serious Sam - Not much to say on this other than it was a giant cannon that you could carry around. Gibbed everything in sight.
    5 - HV Penetrator - FEAR - This gun is just plain fun. What the Spiker in H3 should have been like. Plus with a name like the Penetrator how can you fail?
    4 - Fusion Cannon - Descent 1 - With this gun you would unload giant purple blobs of whoop-ass on your opponent. Felt just so powerful, and undoubtedly was missing from it's Descent 2 incarnation, where it was nerfed. Great in all situations.
    3 - Spartan Laser - Halo 3 - Tears apart everything in sight, and is so easy to use. Plus the red laser on firing looks cool.
    2 - Smart Missile - Descent 2 - I can't believe there isn't a grenade type like this in H3. Highly tactical, and you can tear up the place with it. A dumbfire missile that upon impact releases blobs of homing plasma, you can use it to predict opponents straight into that plasma. Kaboomya.
    1 - Plasma Cannon - Descent 2- Give me this plus an Afterburner in D2 and I would be unstoppable, not to mention annoying. With this gun I could appear behind you, put 8 shots in your ass with its extreme rate of fire and moderate damage rate, and zoom away before you even have time to turn around. Fits my Hit and Run playstyle perfectly, and holds its own easily as a dogfight weapon. The giant green blobs plus the cool noise makes this a definite winner. A staple diet of any D2 game, but not overpowering in the slightest.

    Top 10 Maps from Games:

    10 - de_Courthouse - Counter Strike Source - Repetitive as hell, but the close quarters action never seems to get old.
    9 - cs_Office - Counter Strike Source - Perfect level design, just perfect. Suits all gamestyles and weapon types, tactical and intense as hell with larger parties.
    8 - Farmhouse Finale - Left 4 Dead - I play this one so much. I've always had a fascination for levels played out in houses, and this Zombie apocalypse event is just so fun inside the farmhouse.
    7 - The Maw - Halo CE - An unforgettable end to one of the best singleplayer games of our time. Halo 3's copy wasn't too shabby either, but doesn't live up to this.
    6 - NYSA - Descent 1/2 - Very large, yet highly limiting and confining multiplayer map forces you to get creative with your tactics. You mustn't play predictable or your opponent will destroy you.
    5 - Orbital - Halo 3 - One of the most underrated levels in H3 in my opinion. A blast for both asymmetric and symmetric gametypes, great loadout, with even teams I could play one Multi-Flag game on this map for hours on end.
    4 - Lefty - Serious Sam - Hilarious use of gravity on this map where you can walk up the walls on one side. Frantic fun.
    3 - Vamped - Descent 2 - I've played on this so much I'm sure the map itself has burned into my retinas. Intense CQC action, this is not for the weak hearted. A near perfect level.
    2 - Guardian - Halo 3 - The best Doubles map and just a great all round map if you ask me. And I love the visual design of this map, with the eerie green mist and huge trees. Could've done with a few more Brs, but hey whatcha gonna do?
    1 - Nocturnal - Descent 2 - My favourite multiplayer map of all time, varied, nice visual design and colours, and I plain kick ass on it.

    I hope you enjoyed my essay :).
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    1. Halo 3 - It's just my favourite without question, gone beyond a game for me, it in itself is a hobby and dedication that video games in general are, it's almost not fair to put it in a 'Top 10 Games' since I love it so much more than other games at large.

    2. GTA San Andreas - I know you said you thought it was a joke in your OP, but I still loved it the best. I thought of it as the logical conclusion, and the sheer scale of environment that it added over Vice City (with diverse plane options, and the country side etc) really sealed it for me. Spent way too much of my life playing that game :p. I actually thought that 4 was a massive disappointment, just lost all that set SA apart for me.

    3. Halo CE - Only reason Halo 2 isn't in here is because I basically missed out on it. I was a 1v1 Halo CE kid, never even touched Xbox Connect, and when Halo 2 came along I didn't want to give up my Pistol. I didn't think the proposition of LIVE was that exciting (why would I want to play with randoms instead of my friend who I always 1v1'd with?). But when I sucked up and bought Halo 3 I saw how wrong I was in all respects, utterly utterly wrong. Still, Halo CE retains a special place in my heart, and still stands as a giant of gaming both past and present imo.

    4. Final Fantasy VIII - I know most people preferred VII, but VIII was the one that really introduced me to the series, and as such retains the strongest place in my heart since I just played and got in to it with the most heart. I always felt most at home with the system in VIII, I really knew how to work junctioning to a tee, and I still play through VIII now and again on my PSP, tearing through and honing my team and GFs to lvl100 and with status attack and defence right to the brim.

    5. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - A truly epic RPG in a completely different way from FF games, smaller in focus yet beautifully formed, perfectly matched visual style, atmosphere and gameplay. I love playing through that again and again, and even with the outdated look of it, I can still get completely lost in that game in a way that no game since has really matched or emulated, certainly not the disappointment that was Majora's Mask imo.

    6. Goldeneye 64 - Just win, I used to rinse that game beyond belief. Gimme dual RCP-90's and I was a happy camper (though not in a literal sense, I used to run and gun like anything in that game, it's how you played it properly after all, right?). Like Zelda, it was one of the couple of games that just made the N64 a beauty in its own right, and put challenge to the original PlayStation as the no questions console of the time.

    7. Golden Sun - Shining star of the GBA imo, a truly great RPG crammed in to a tiny game that still pulled off what it needed to when it came to visuals and an expansive environment (world map on that game kicked ass, no question). The puzzles and dungeons were ingenious, the enemies great, varied and enjoyable (albeit with pretty crappy skin options, reusing models with different colours to level enemies up, seemed a bit boring but meh). It took some great lessons in normal tile based areas from the GB Zelda games etc, but for the wider world and RPG systems of battle and stats they took the best of games like Final Fantasy and just met in the middle to produce something beautiful, compact and timeless.

    8. Pokemon - In general I love this series, though the first issues, and also Crystal for no apparent reason, were the ones I really got in to. Doesn't really need explaining, it was just an amazing premise done perfectly and I loved it. Perfectly placed on the Gameboy as a game you could take places as well, cause I certainly did.

    9. Banjo Kazooie - Another one of my N64 love affairs, a great jump and run style RPG. I know Mario got all the love, and it was a great game no mistake. But for me it was always Banjo Kazooie, it kept me interested for hours and I just loved the environment so much.

    10. Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 - My real home in classic RTS games. I was never great at it tbh, played it in a casual yet dedicated way with campaign and skirmish modes, was never at a level where I could beat a competitive player. But I still loved and enjoyed it massively, holds a place in my heart as one of the first games that I really loved.
    #45 Pegasi, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  6. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    My top 10 games:

    10) pacman
    9) space invaders
    8) batman: arham asylum
    7) halo combat evolved
    6) halo 2
    5) CoD5
    4) left 4 dead
    3) CoD4
    2) halo 3
    1) lesuire suit larry
    #46 a dying animal, Sep 19, 2009
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
  7. ..::Brotherston!x

    Senior Member

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    1) Halo CE
    2) Halo 2
    3) Halo 3
    4) Portal
    5) Spiderman 2
    6) Half Life 2
    7) Far Cry 2
    8) GTA IV
    9) GTA SA
    10) GTA VC
  8. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    My ten arcade games.

    1. ) Geometry Wars 2
    2. ) Trials HD
    3. ) Mutant Storm Empire
    4. ) Heavy Weapon
    5. ) Castle Crashers
    6. ) Geometry Wars
    7. ) Mutant Storm: Reloaded
    8. ) Novadrone
    9. ) Battlefield (new one)
    10. ) Assault Heroes
  9. halo kid

    halo kid Ancient
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    top ten items/weapons

    10:Vampire's Edge-fallout3

    not only does it sound cool,its my personal favorite melee weapon in fallout. It may not be the strongest,but its fast,and good enough to get the job done.

    9:R700-call of duty 4

    my favorite sniper in CoD4,its accurate,its powerfull,its.......loud. Of all the words that could bve used to describe it,the best word is loud,end of story. If it carried more than 16 bullets normaly,it would be far to overpowered.

    8: Gnasher-gears of war

    In every shooting game, there is one standby that will never let you down. It's the gun you always find yourself going back to, and the gun that blows the living **** out of anything you point it at. Plain and simple, the shotgun has balls. Whether it's leaving gaping holes in your enemies' chests, blowing off their heads or splattering them into oblivion at point blank range, the shotgun gets the job done.

    7:Skull Hammer-LoZ:WW

    its so awesome,its had to be on the list,to bad its not the top zelda weapon. Twice the power of the sword at least, And the jump attack is faster. to sum it up,its win,and deserves a spot on this list.


    anybody here that knows me would have seen a pokemon item coming. These little disks containsome of the best moves in the game,but unfortunatly,you can onl get most once,so use them wisely

    5:ice and fire arrows-multiple zelda games

    these suckers can freeze/set to flames anything you come across in your game,and with a creative mind you can take it farther. freeze an enemy and then melt them,or shatter them. you can also pierce multiple enemys,and cut distant ropes.

    4:ink grenade-gears of war2

    i love these type of weapons,and like a landmine,you can place the and wait for an enemy,or toss them at a sniper and they have no choice to come out.keep an open mind,and there is nothing you cant do.

    3:pokeball-the super smash brother games

    If your over powered,all you have to do is find one of these,and your saved. rather its a single powerful beam,or throwing coins to whittle down there health,these are handy in a pinch.

    2:carbine-halo2 and 3

    as many of you know,this is my favorite gun in the halo games,with quick speed and good power,whats not to love? if only it didnt eat through ammo so badly.

    1:hookshot-the zelda series

    by far one of the most intriguing weapons of all time,and one of the most usefull. Using one of these will get you to distant platforms,and stun enemys. like several others,this is bast used with a creative mind,if you have quick reflexes,you cn use it mid-air to get to "impossible to access platforms" hooking on to certain types of trees.


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