Your Video Game Top Tens.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Camel Carcass, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Top 10 Gaming Negros
    1. Super Jumpy Negro (Crackdown)
    2. CJ (GTA: San Andreas)
    3. Cole Train (Gears of War franchise)
    4. lil Jacob (GTA4)
    5. Dreblin (Metal Gear Solid 4)
    6. Lucas Simms (Fallout 3)
    7. Zombies (Resident Evil 5)
    8. Louis (Left 4 Dead)
    9. Athlete (EA sports titles)
    10. Master Chief (Halo Franchise)
  2. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    Top 10 Characters:
    1. John 117 - Halo
    2. Arbiter - Halo 2 & 3
    3. Salem - Army of Two
    4. Rios - Army of Two
    5. Faith - Mirror's Edge
    6. Solid Snake - MGS1,2 & 4
    7. Big Boss - MGS3
    8. Sly Cooper - Sly 1,2 & 3
    9. Murray - Sly 2 & 3
    10. Jin Kazuma - Tekken

    Top Ten Missions:
    1. Halo - Halo 3
    2. The Maw - Halo CE
    3. Miami - Army of Two
    4. MGS35. The Covenant - Halo 3
    6. The Great Journey - Halo 2
    7. Aircraft Carrier - Army of Two
    8. Mirror's Edge
    9. Scarab - Halo Wars
    10. Macgruder - Gun
  3. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
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    Top Ten Games:

    10. Donkey Kong (Original Nintendo)
    9. Super Mario Bros
    8. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
    7. The Simpsons Road Rage
    6.ATV Off road Furry I
    5. Castle Crashers
    4. CoD 4
    3.Gears of War 2
    2. Halo Wars
    1.Halo 3
  4. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    Top Ten video game soundtracks:
    1. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
    2. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time
    3. FFX
    4. Fable
    5. Halo: CE
    6. Mass Effect
    7. The Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask
    8. Fallout 3
    9. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
    10. The rest of the Legend Of Zelda Series

    Basically, i'm going to go down the list and say why I think a game deserves that spot.

    Morrowind takes the top spot because Bethesda nailed the score perfectly. From the first time you hear the opening theme when the menu boots up, to the dynamic music that matches your location and what your doing; you know your in for a ride.

    LOZ: OOT is an obvious choice for this spot. OOT was the first game to really use music as a way to solve puzzles. The score is still brilliant even today.

    FFX takes this spot mainly because it's one of the few FF games I've played. I remember it having one of the best and most exciting scores ever. It also had a clever way of allowing players to listen to music they've already heard in the game.

    Fable has an excellent score, I love almost every piece of music in the game, and often they are not only beautiful, but the songs also heighten drama or humor as needed.

    Come on, you really think id'e leave Halo: CE off my list?

    Mass Effect is another example of when a great score helps to leave an epic impression on the player. I'll never forget my first time watching the opening movie and feeling those shivers down my spine.

    Pretty much the same reasons as OOT.

    Fallout 3 manages to use music as a way of showing, "This is not the world you live in." It really works to tie the theme of the game together in a unique and satisfying way.

    Oblivion has a good score, but not quite up to the standard of Morrowind...

    ... Obviously, all of the Zelda games have great scores.
  5. A RedBull Can

    A RedBull Can Ancient
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    My Top 10 Maps (In Halo 3)

    10. Cold Storage (I always liked this map for Halo CE and loved the remake. Perfect map for free for alls)
    9. High Ground (One of the best Asymetric maps ever made)
    8. Ghost Town (My 2nd favorite map for playing SWAT in)
    7. Foundry (I really like the original layout of this. And it spawned so many great things including GrifBall)
    6. Narrows (I use the same beginning actions every time and they always work. A lot of fun using the mancannons)
    5. Standoff (The Blood Gulch of Halo 3)
    4. The Pit (A great MLG map)
    3. Orbital (The best out of the 3 Mythic maps for me)
    2. Rat's Nest (I had so much fun forging games with infection games in mind with friends it damn near made me fail a midterm exam)
    1. Guardian (The best map in Halo 3. Good for everything and the only map that I can stand KOTH aswell as MLG, SWAT, TS and FFA.)
  6. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    Top ten Halo maps:

    1. Blood Gulch, Coagulation
    2. Avalanche & Sidewinder
    3. Foundation
    4. Sandbox (why not?)
    5. Lockout, Blackout, Blockout
    6. Ascension
    7. Midship & Heretic
    8. Hang 'Em High, Tombstone, Grebnel 'shel
    9. Sandtrap
    10. Headlong
  7. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    My Top Ten VideoGame Music Tracks
    The track name is in Bold, the game it is from is in Italic

    10) Doom of the Alien Universe at War: Earth Assault by Frank Klepacki

    9) Koal's Theme Advance Wars: Dual Strike artist unknown

    8) Artificial Sky I Armored Core 3 by Tsukasa Saitoh

    7) Devils... Monsters... Halo: Combat Evolved by Martin O'Donnell

    6) Slave to the System Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun by Frank Klepacki

    5) His World (instrumentals only version) Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) by Tomoya Ohtani

    4) Runaway Train Command & Conquer: Generals by Bill Brown and Mikael Sandgren

    3) End Credits Metroid Prime by Kenji Yamamoto

    2) Hope Runs Deep Gears of War 2 by Steve Jablonsky

    1) For the Craftworld Dawn of War 2 by Doyle W. Dunhoo
    #27 Zendarrun, Aug 3, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2009
  8. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    My top ten oldies I'm going to play again while waiting for the year's decent releases.

    10. Resistance: Fall of Man
    9. Sonic Heroes
    8. Fahrenheit
    7. Halo: Combat Evolved
    6. Desktop Tower Defence
    5. Star Wars: Republic Commando
    4. Star Wars: Battlefronts
    3. Sonic Heroes
    2. Serious Sam
    1. Timesplitters: Future perfect
  9. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    Top Ten Games:

    10. Guitar Hero II (XBox version) - First Guitar Hero game, can't play it anymore 'cause the graphics hurt my eyes but for it's time it was a great music game.
    9. Star Wars Battlefront II - Playing as a Jedi/Sith and slaying anything and everything in your path = better than sex.
    8. Super Mario Sunshine - I like it better than 64. Sue me.
    7. Gears Of War (the original) - Completely awesome game in almost every way. The multiplayer was flawed but the campaign was great. The pure shittiness of the sequel reminds me what a great game this really was.
    6. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - I think if I ever get around to playing 4 again (never finished it), I'd replace this spot with it, but San Andreas was still an amazing game.
    5. Timesplitters: Future Perfect - A true hidden gem, this game never got the recognition it deserved. Funny characters, unique gameplay, a mapmaker (!!!), etc. Love it.
    4. Resident Evil 4 - Do I need to explain? It's RE4.
    3. Rock Band 2 - Pinnacle of all music games. Amazing selection of songs, and that's all there is to it. Kicks the living **** out of any Guitar Hero game.
    2. XIII - Most underrated game EVER. I cannot even begin to explain to you just how badass this game was. Captivating characters, good story, amazing "it's-you-versus-the-world" gameplay, and, of course, a cliffhanger ending. This game needs a sequel. Ugh. Buy this game. All of you. Seriously.
    1. Halo 2 - Best campaign out of all the Halos, plus infinitely superior multiplayer (gameplay + maps) to 3. I love this ****ing game.

    Yeah, nothing too old on my list, I only really got into gaming a year before the Gamecube/PS2 generation hit.
  10. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    My top ten games for graphics

    10. Crysis
    9. God of war 2
    8. Wipeout: Pure
    7. Halo 3
    6. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
    5. Resistance 2
    4. Forza Motorsport 2
    3. Amped 3
    2. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
    1. Killzone 2
  11. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Top 10 games I'm most excited for within the foreseeable future

    10. Champions Online - I haven't really seen too much on this game. I'm excited to see if it actually turns into the first good MMO on consoles.
    9. Battlefield Bad Company 2 - I played the first some and liked it, although I never really got into it. With the improved destruction and expanded customization this one looks even better.
    8. Batman Arkham Asylum - This game has some of the most fluid and dynamic hand-to-hand combat I've played in a game. My only worry is the replay value and how long this gem will actually last.
    7. Borderlands - Sort of like FO3, but focused more on gunplay. Sounds good to me!
    6. Uncharted 2 - Among Thieves - This game is truly testing Naughty Dog's limits with insane graphics and animation, believable voice acting and character gestures, exploration, Co-op, and explosive multiplayer. Most likely to be best game on PS3 this year.
    5. Assassin's Creed 2 - My main problem with the first game was the repetitiveness. Luckily, in the second installment Ubisoft seems to be providing plenty of varied gameplay, quick paced combat, and possibly the best graphics ever featured in a videogame to boot.
    4. Left 4 Dead 2 - The first game was a personal favorite of mine. Valve proved once and for all that gameplay will always take priority over story by taking a leap of faith with this new IP. Luckily it's paid off, and contrary to other fans, I'm actually excited for this soon to come sequel
    3. Splinter Cell: Conviction - What SC should have been all along, imo. Ubisoft has actually managed to make stealth fast paced and exciting, rather than finding movement patterns in guard by waiting and waiting. Kudos to you Ubisoft, for completely reimagining a franchise to exactly what was needed.
    2. Lost Planet 2 - I wasn't a huge fan of the first. I played it and thought it was decent. However I never played MP on it, and the first didn't even feature Co-op. Capcom is one of the best developers in the modern world and prove it time and time again with quality releases. I'm sure this one won't stray from that path.
    1. Mass Effect 2 - I played Mass Effect well over a year ago, and frankly I didn't see what the big deal with it was. I must have been ****ing high. I recently rented it again and I absolutely cannot put it down! Conversations are filled with rich voice acting and a dialogue/morality system that isn't as black and white as in every other game. Combat's instense and a plethora of cool powers are always on your fingertips. In Mass Effect 2, they're simply taking everything they had and expanding upon it in every way possible.

    6-3 aren't in any specific order, but Mass Effect 2 will be amazing and I can almost say that it will be my favorite game of 2010 and possibly of my entire life.
  12. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    @ shakatai, they're all in my top twenty excluding splinter cell.

    My top ten endings.
    Spoilers included.

    10. Shadow of the Colossus. It's because everything makes sense, after feeling guilty for killing those creatures. It makes me want the last guardian when it's out.
    9. Call of Duty: World at war. Epic flag laydown, I know it was lame, but it was really powerful.
    8. Castle Crashers. It's fun watching back through the credits, then realising that the last princess is some weird clown thing, and the song's pretty hot.
    7. Amped 3. The snow sharks zeppelin lava hang glider musical finale thing was so mind blowing, I completed it countless times.
    6. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. (excluding mile high club) All of your team-mates get killed off, after you get close to them as a squad, all somewhat realisticly.
    5. Halo 3. The last level is just great fun in co-op, and I can walk through it so easily.
    4. Mass Effect. The Ilos unveiling, love subplot, protheans, boss fight, so much about the story gets tenser, I actually get lost in how open the whole thing is.
    3. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. The last level was so great, I went through the campaign again.
    2. Portal. Ohh god, portal. those credits, the whole story... it was all worth the time and confusion for the delicious cake. Despite dying.
    1. Resistance 2. The protagonist gets shot in the back of the head after turning, and the last level, you get like, superpowers or something. It's just generally epic.
    #32 Camel Carcass, Aug 6, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2009
  13. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    Top bad asses in video games (not order)

    General RAAM (**** yeah)-GoW
    Sgt Forge-Halo Wars (the dude took down the Arbiter practically bare handed)
    The Spartans-Halo Wars (just watch and see for yourself)
    Bowser-Mario games (the dude steals women)
    Altair-Assassins Creed (nuff said)
    Sephiroth-FF series (nuff said again)
    Captain Price-Call of Duty 2/4 (just...he's Captain Price)
    Big Daddy-Bioshock (massive steel men with little girls, nuff said)
    Samus-Metroid (a hot chick in a suit that kicks some major ass)

    I'm proly forgetting some but I'm bored of typing so there ya go
  14. HLG Lamebattles

    HLG Lamebattles Ancient
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    10. Getting Halo CE from the shops and playing it all the way through that night.
    9. Whipping all my friends at Super Smash Bros. Melee.
    8. Playing Advance Wars 'til I was sick of it.
    7. Playing Timespltters 2 with friends. The origins of hilarity on infection for us.
    6. Thinking the original Fable was the best game ever until...
    5. ...Fable 2 came along. Recieving the game a day early, due to pre-ordering, thought it was the game of the year.
    4. Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time, the best single player on any game.
    3. Timesplitters Future Perfect - Making the most intense maps ever.
    2. Goldeneye - Inspirational for it's time, possibly the best game at the time. Multiplayer was near perfect.
    1. Reaching a Brigadier in Halo 3, after a year of Colonel Grade 2, 3 and Force Colonel. Can't say i was desperate for my 45, but still magical.
  15. AIS Student

    AIS Student Ancient
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    Top Ten Games I've Owned

    10- Star Fox 64- N64: I LOVED this game as a kid (Do a barrel roll!). However, it was too hard for me, so I had my dad finish the final mission for me.
    9- Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge- Xbox: This was the most amazing flying game I've ever played (before I got a 360.)! The planes, cities, character designs & dialogue, the plot, & the setting (an alternate 1930's, where the plane is your primary mode of transportation.) is all future-gen for the Xbox. It should have a sequel for the 360, then it would be gorgeous!
    8- Rainbow 6 Vegas 2- Xbox 360: This is an amazing shooter. It's more lifelike than some other shooters like Halo (5 ft. jumping height?), & all the multiplayer modes are fun. Terrorist Hunt is definitely the most fun thing about it, & R6V2's campaign is worthy of playing more than once.
    7- Super Smash Bros. BRAWL- Wii: The only game I have for the Wii. I loved the SSB series ever since I got the N64 Super Smash Bros. It has an amazingly long storyline (Subspace Emmisary; took me a week to finally complete with my sister!), plus an improved list of characters. However, I do not have Wi-Fi, so after a while, it gets boring playing three Level 9 (hardest difficulty) CPU's. On the plus side, I'm a pro at this game. I WILL beat you at this game, especially if I use Bowser, Meta Knight, or Samus.
    6- Star Wars Republic Commando- Xbox: The Star Wars universe combined with the gruesome, gut-wretching combat of Gears of War. I love it! Hands down, the most innovative squad-based game ever. Your AI squadmates are practically your lifeline. You lose your squadmates, you're pretty much doomed. The dialogue was very realistic & witty, & every battle was epic & life-threatening. Plus, an Assault Rifle with a Sniper Rifle AND Rocket Launcher attachment? Completely revolutionary! RC's campaign was very dark for a Star Wars game. Only now do I wish I never sold that game...
    5- Halo Wars- Xbox 360: This game is a very nice start for the console strategy game. It's a blast to play with friends, but it's a true nuisance to play on LIVE. The only thing I see people do is spam the same unit non-stop, like 20+ Grizzlies, 30+ Hawks, 5+ Vultures... I think you get it now.
    4- Star Wars: Battlefront II- Xbox: Truly the best game for the Xbox in my opinion. It's just so much fun to play; I'll even play by myself for hours it's so fun! The multiplayer was fun, but now it's just one laggy mess. You think Halo 3 is laggy? Try this game. The best improvement is the Space Battles. I'm a master at flying aircraft, so this is right up my alley. Did you hear the rumor that there may be a Battlefront III?
    3- ACE COMBAT 6: Fires of Liberation- Xbox 360: In the war between ACE COMBAT v.s. HAWX, ACE COMBAT definitely wins. This is the most beautiful game I've ever played in my life. The graphics make you want to cry, the music is amazing, & the planes are as sleek & lifelike as their real-life models. Online is truly amazing, though the only problem is that not many people are online in AC6. The only con I feel this game has is the cinematic dialogue. It's just too cheesy...
    2- Halo 3- Xbox 360: Surprised? You thought this game was probably #1, didn't you? Nope, not for me. The game lives up to its title of "Game of the Year", for sure. The campaign is fun, but if it were as long as Halo 2, it would probably get more replay value than it already has. The multiplayer is fun, but Matchmaking gets boring after a while. I usually only play Social Big Team now, plus Social Slayer, Multi-Team, & Rocket Race. Forge is the reason I come back to Halo 3. I have made so many maps, if I didn't delete most of them, my hard drive wouldn't be able to hold them all! Besides, I use the Forge as practice for map design, because I want to work in game design when I get older.
    1- Call of Duty: World at War- Xbox 360: Yep. This is my #1 game. This is because everything in this game is fun to play more than once. The campaign is gruesome & depressing, which is exactly how World War II was. Fighting the Japanese was insane. They're just as psychopathic in the game as they were in WWII. **** Zombies is a good time to be had, but I only have the first one still... However, Multiplayer is always fun. The only thing that ticks me off is the constant repetitive use of the MP40 Sub-Machine Gun. If you consider yourself a pro at the MP40, kill yourself right now.
  16. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Top 10 upcoming games;

    1. Elder Scrolls V
    2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
    3. Forza Motosport 3
    4. Halo: Reach
    5. Halo: ODST
    6. Splinter Cell: Convict
    7. Assassins Creed 2
    8. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
    9. Singularity
    10. ?
  17. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    Top Ten Game Character:
    10: Arbiter : Halo 3/ Halo Wars
    9: Sgt. Johnson : Halo Series
    8: Seargant Forge : Halo Wars
    7: Louis : Left 4 Dead
    6: Nico Belic : GTA 4
    4: Dead Space Protagonist : Dead Space
    3: Soap MacTaverish : CoD 4
    2:Alex Mercer : PROTOTYPE
    1: Nikolai : CoD WaW **** Zombies
  18. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Dude, no way! I always had my Dad finish the last mission for me because I was always too scared of Andross! LOL!

    My Top Ten Games

    1. Call of Duty : Modern Warfare - Best game I have EVER played. Modern Warfare Two will NEVER be able to beat.
    2. Halo 3 - Amazing game, all that needs to be said.
    3. Fable II - Amazing game, I haven't beaten the first one yet. Hoping to do so within the next week.
    4. **** Zombies - Repetitive, but a lot of fun.
    5. Ninja Gaiden II - Gore, Ninjas, GIANT SCYTHE?! What else could you want?!
    6. Mortal Kombat : DC Universe VS MK Universe - It's Mortal Kombat. -.-
    7. Counter Strike 1.6 (Superhero Mod) - Too Much Fun; nuff said.
    8. Castle Crashers - Necromantic Pack FTW!
    9. Left 4 Dead - Too repetitive, even with Survival Mode and A.I. Director
    10. Maplestory - Need a new Sidescroller though, waiting for WonderKing. Friend said it was HELLA fun.
  19. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    My Top 10 games I have played so far:

    1. Halo 3
    2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
    3. GTA IV
    4. Gears of War 2
    5. Left 4 Dead
    6. Mass Effect
    7. Bioshock
    8. Assassin's Creed
    9. Army of Two
    10. Guitar Hero III
  20. Zendarrun

    Zendarrun Ancient
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    Top ten best vehicles in a game.

    1. Brute Chopper [Halo 3] (obviously): These things are always a freaking blast to ride, as many of you must already know. What Could possibly do what the Chopper does better? There's nothing more thrilling than smashing everything in front of you and gunning down what you can't smash.
    2. Nod Flame Tank [Command & Conquer 3]: You may not get to drive this beast, but watching it do it's work is always satisfying (for me at least). The unit's sadistic pyromaniac voiceover is also great.
    3. Hailfire tank [starwars battlefront 2]: There's a good reason why everyone wanted to drive these; because they were fun as hell. They were so fun, I oftern didn't care that half of the missles it fires miss (almost guarenteed).
    4. Space Marine Dreadnought [Warhammer 40,000 universe]: Technically not a vehicle, but it works just like one. The Dreadnought is one of the most badass units in any game I have seen.
    5. Monkeylord [Supreme Commander]: Have you ever seen this motherf*ker in action? There is a good reason why this thing takes so freaking long to build; It is nearly unstoppable. Just one could wipe out a freaking army! And to make it better: you could build more than one to increase the ass kicking. How could you not like a six-legged 200 foot tall mech with a giant laser?
    6. Atlas Assault Mech [Mechwarrior series]
    7. Armored Cores [Armored Core series]
    8. Dustdevil [crimson skies]
    9. anything fast from Red Faction Guerilla
    10. Scud Launcher [C&C Generals]

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