Your Video Game Top Tens.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Camel Carcass, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1. There must be ten of them.
    2. They must be Game related.
    3. They must be sensible.
    4. They must not be copypasta.
    5. They must keep within standard forum rules.

    Some examples are;
    My top ten non playable characters,
    My top ten games for value,
    My top ten maps,
    My top ten graphical games,
    My top ten storylines,
    My top ten games to be released.

    Feel free to use these, you won't get criticised.

    Have fun!

    My Personalised Example -

    My Top Ten Non Playable Characters.

    10. Shai Gen Final Boss - Crackdown
    9. Colonel Dalton - Army of Two
    8. Alex - Half Life 2
    7. Pyramid Head - Silent Hill 2
    6. Nathan Drake's Partner - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
    5. Colossus 13 - Shadow of the Colossus
    4. Clyde - Army of Two
    3. Sebastian - Amped 3
    2. Sgt. Johnson - Halo 3 (until Sept. 22)
    1. Captain Price - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
    #1 Camel Carcass, Jul 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009
  2. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    My top ten favorite video games of all time.

    10. Silent Hill - The first video game was the best. It was immensely scary and had a twisted story.
    9. Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver - I never spent so much time on a PC game. Just the feeling of driving around a house was amazing.
    8. Grand Theft Auto - The original for the PS1 was one of my most played games. Back when graphics didn't mean a thing, this game delivered a plethora of fun.
    7. Twisted Metal - I never played any of the sequels, and I never wanted to. I felt the original was all that I needed to get my Twisted Metal fix.
    6. Destruction Derby Raw - Easily one of my favorite racing games from back then. I have so many memories of playing split-screen with friends and family.
    5. Super Mario 64 - Yes. I couldn't go without putting this game on my list. This game truly introduced me and many others to the sandbox feeling.
    4. Gran Turismo - Being at a young age, it was such an accomplishment for me to beat the entire game all by myself. I'll never forget it.
    3. Driver - Oh my god! It's hard to describe to others how amazing this game is. Only those who've played can share my feelings for it.
    2. Grand Theft Auto Vice City - From the moment I got in the car with Rosenberg, to killing Lance and Sonny, the game was pure genius.
    1. Goldeneye 007 - The singleplayer was great and all, but it was the times when my dad, a few friends and I would all get together and have a great time.
    #2 Jimbodawg, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  3. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My top ten maps.

    10. Blue Lagoon - Tom Clancy's Advanced Warfighter 2
    9. Beach Level - Conker: Live and Reloaded
    8. Pacific Beach - Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
    7. Laax - Amped 3
    6. Marketplace - Killzone 2
    5. Ivory Tower - Halo 2
    4. Farmhouse Finale - Left 4 Dead
    3. Crash - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
    2. Orrick - Resistance 2
    1. Bespin: Cloud City - Star Wars Battlefronts
    #3 Camel Carcass, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  4. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    My Top Ten characters(playable or non playable)
    10. Louis-l4d
    9. Arbiter-halo 3/halo wars
    8. Sgt. Forge-halo wars
    7. darth vader-the force unleashed
    6. sgt. johnson-halo 3(and soon to be ODST :D)
    5. Cptn. Price-COD 4
    4. Sgt. Roebuck-COD WAW
    3. Soap Mactavish-COD 4
    2. Master chief-halo 1-3
    1. Cptn. MacMillan-Cod4(all ghillied up FTW!)
  5. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Top 10 worth their retail value
    9)Castle Crashers
    8)Super Smash Bros. Melee
    6)GTA San Andreas
    5)Sonic Adv. 2 Battle
    4)Halo 2
    2)Halo 3
    1)Spiderman 2

    **** yeah.
    #5 Rifte, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  6. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Top 10 Favorite Games :

    2.Halo 3
    3.Goldeneye 007 - NO ONE could beat me, and I would get triple teamed. I was UNSTOPPABLE (Needs CS 1.6 sound right now) And I was like 5 years old.
    4.Castle Crashers - Red Knight FTW :D
    5.SSBB - I miss Mewtwo though. =(
    6.Gears of War 2
    7.Fallout 3
    8.Killzone 2
    9.Ninja Gaiden 2
    10.Time Crisis 3

    I now want to play Goldeneye. =( Looking for ROM and Emulator! :D
  7. DeatH to FooLs

    DeatH to FooLs Ancient
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    FAvourite Games

    1. Fallout 3
    2. Halo 3
    3.Farcry 2
    4. FreeRider 2
    5. CoD4
    6.**** Zombies (Its the only good thing in CoD 5)
    7.Halo 2
    8.Unreal Tournament 3
    9.Red Faction: Geurrilla
    10. Battlefield 1943
  8. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
    Senior Member

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  9. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Top Ten Games (I honestly haven't played many so my ten isn't exactly one of the games I play a lot, as well as I am only listing games I have at some point owned)
    10 GRAW - Xbox (The regular xbox version and the 360 version are VERY different)
    9 Backyard Football - PC (The original "backyard" game)
    8 Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 - PC
    7 Rome: Total War - PC
    6 Age of Empires II - PC
    5 Battlefield 1942 (and 1943 can be lumped with it, love both of em) - PC (XBLA)
    4 Far Cry 2 - 360
    3 Halo 3 - 360
    2 Morrowind - Xbox
    1 Toy Commander - Dreamcast

    I think Toy Commander takes the lead because as a little kid I LOVED playing with my toy army men, tanks, etc... and when I got a chance to play like that on a system where everything was set up and such, and the setting was actually a house, thats like my imagination coming to life. No other game can beat that feeling. Morrowind comes close behind because it was great 3d graphics (beating Daggerfall by a LONG shot) for the time and just great programming overall, leading to an amazing RPG. Halo 3 just cause of Forge honestly, and the customizeable gameplay. Far Cry, well I just love the setting and realism. Battlefield 1942 (1943 is equal, better in parts and worse in other parts) was great for its time and just a fun thing to play when you get bored, not much to it. Age of Empires, damn I get addicted every time I play for nostalgic reasons its just that fun. Rome: Total war is better than Shogun: TW for obvious reasons, and I haven;t played Medieval:TW. The Total War's feature of having large scale battles is what I love about it. Roller Coaster Tycoon, what fun that was. I never played 3 or later versions, but RCT2 could hold me addicted for a long time. I never liked any other tycoon style game either... Backyard Football, that was where it was at for me as a kid. One of my first games I was stuck on that for HOURS. I mean yeah when I play it now I can own 99-0 on hard but its meant for kids so yeah. GRAW was great because at the time it was the only game for the regular xbox (pre-me getting a 360 for 2007 x-mas days...) that had a gameplay that was great and a weapon layout that was legit.

    My one true wish: Any game company (preferably Activision) takes up Toy Commander and makes an XBLA game based off of it. That would be AMAZING. If you don't know what TC is, wikipedia makes it sound wimpy as ****. But it STILL kicks ass in my mind. Honestly, what other video game took what you actually legit played with as a kid and brought the imaginations to life, and did it WELL?
    #9 stouf761, Jul 11, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2009
  10. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My Top Ten Missions

    10. Beach Level (Forgot Name) - Halo: Combat Evolved
    9. Orrick - Resistance 2
    8. Afganistan - Army of Two
    7. Blood Harvest: Left 4 Dead
    6. Foodgate - Halo 3
    5. Beach - Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
    4. Halo - Halo 3
    3. No Mercy - Left 4 Dead
    2. Kashyyk - Star Wars: Battlefronts 1 & 2
    1. Mile High Club - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

    My Top Ten Storylines

    10. Castle Crashers
    9. Half life 2
    8. Serious Sam
    7. Army of Two
    6. Call of Duty 4
    5. Mass Effect
    4. Halo
    3. Shadow of The Colossus
    2. Amped 3
    1. Resistance 2
  11. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    Does noone here like final fantasy.
    top ten favorite stories
    1. Final Fantasy X
    2. Final Fantaasy VII
    3. The world ends with you
    4. Kingdom Hearts II
    5. Kingdom Hearts
    6.Lost Oddysey
    7.Valkyrie Profile ( forget which one)
    8. Final Fantasy IV
    9. Fianls Fantasy XII
  12. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    I'm just going to post my top 10 games, if you don't mind. :p

    10. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
    9. Super Mario 64
    8. Super Mario 3
    7. Banjo Kazooie
    6. Donkey Kong Country
    5. BioShock
    4. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
    3. Halo 2
    2. Halo 3
    1. Halo: Combat Evolved
  13. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    10)forza motorsport2
    9)sonic adventure battle2
    5)metroid prime hunters, the coolest fps i've played on my ds
    4)banjo kazooie nuts and bolts
    2)halo 3
    1)007 golden eye for the N64, the grandfather of the first person shooter
    #13 pinohkio, Jul 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2009
  14. desert elite

    desert elite Ancient
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    1.kingdom hearts(the whole series)
    2.mario 64
    3.f zero gx
    4.halo(all of them)
    5.mass effect
    6.fallout 3
    7.midnight club la
    8.left 4 dead of duty 4
    10.sonic adventure 2 battle
  15. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Top Ten games that changed my Life
    This was a pretty quick list so i have probably missed games that were more of an impact than the ones below.

    10. Need for Speed - These games got me into video games and really put my level of dedication to games further. The best for me were Need for speed Hot pursuit for the PSX

    9. Any of the older/good Army Men games by 3d - These games were really good for me when i was younger and as too with NFS they further progressed my dedication and interest in games.

    8. World Of Warcraft - This game got me into RPG and larger more time consuming games. It has also set a high benchmark for MMORPG games as to me this is the best and only one i play.

    7. Mario Kart 64 - This was one of the first 64 games i played, on my uncles 64.

    6. Down Town Rush - I used to go to my uncles house to just play this game, until i got my own 64 of course. Then i stole his games. MWhahah

    5. Future Cop L.A.P.D. - This was the first major PSX game that i put a large amount of time into. It was also the first game i actually started to truly play for competition to beat my friends at.

    4. Fable 1 - The game that made me buy an xbox original. Without an xbox original i would have never gotten a 360 and enjoyed so many things i have today. This is not the greatest game there is but after playing it so much on my friends xbox this was one of the major games to make me get one.

    3. Snow Board kids 1 and 2 for the 64 - The game that pretty much prompted me to get a nintendo 64. This was also one of the first games i played on the 64.

    2. Banjo Kazooie/Tooie - This and Banjo were so close. This game has held my attention through every other game i have played. Every other game i played i always come back here. This is all i play now days and defiantly deserves its spot. I really cant say much but yes its great.

    1. Banjo Kazooie/Tooie - This was pretty much the game that raised me as a child. IT WAS MY LIFE. This game had a larger impact on me than my parents. I loved this game so much i had racked up 220 hours on Banjo Tooie alone. This game was so good to me i was so excited(i did not sleep all night) just to get the game guide even though i had beaten it on all three save slots. OMG words cannot describe it. I could right pages and pages on this game and still not even break the surface of its awesomeness. THANK GOD FOR THIS GAME.
  16. Lord Terrax XII

    Lord Terrax XII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Top 10 missions:
    10. Breaking Point (COD: WaW
    9. All Ghillied UP (COD 4)
    8. Tsavo Highway (Halo 3)
    7. The Great Journey (Halo 2)
    6 The Library (Halo CE)
    5. Downfall (COD: WaW
    4. Halo (Halo 3)
    3. Heart of the Reich (COD: WaW)
    2. No Mercy (L4D)
    1. Burn 'Em Out (COD: WaW)

    Top Ten Weapons
    10. Wunderwaffle (COD: WaW)
    9. Beam Rifle (Halo 3)
    8. Lancer (Gears of War
    7. Thermal Rockets (Red Faction Guerilla)
    6. Halo 1 Pistol (Halo CE)
    5. P90 (COD 4)
    4. Dual Needlers (Halo 2)
    3. Thompson (COD: WaW)
    2. Ray Gun (COD: WaW)
    1. PPSH 41 (COD: WaW)

    Top 10 Achievement Names
    10. It's a Trap! (COD: WaW)
    9. FreeBaird! (Gears of War 2)
    8. Have Fun Respawning (Halo 3)
    7. Alas, Poor Yorick (Halo 3)
    6. Awww, Too Bad (Halo 3)
    5. OMG BFF FTW (Halo Wears)
    4. Say No To Pots (Eat Lead: Return of Matt Hazard)
    3. Fission Mailed (Army of Two)
    2. Beast With Two Fronts (Army of Two)
    1. Double Decap Latte (Dark Sector)
    #16 Lord Terrax XII, Jul 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2009
  17. TheEpicCiabatta

    TheEpicCiabatta Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Top 10 Games:
    10. Super Mario Sunshine - the very first console game I ever owned. I got all 120 shines 3 different times. <3
    9. Halo 3 - for obvious reasons
    8. Dead Space - like RE4, but in SPACE!
    7. Pokemon: Emerald - I wasted a good 300 hours of my life on this game
    6. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - best game in the Paper Mario series, IMO
    5. Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 - it's like being high while not being high!
    4. Halo: CE - what started as needlering my cousins on splitscreen ended in months of PC noob-owning goodness
    3. Bioshock - scary as ****, fun as a deep-fried carnival, and with a riveting story and some of the most unique moments in my history as a gamer
    2. Resident Evil 4 - like Dead Space, but not in SPACE!
    1. Fallout 3 - days of the ultimate sandbox environment, where you will NEVER play through the game or an encounter the same way twice, and seemingly endless sandbox gameplay. A 120-hour main file and five 10-50 hour files later, I still love this game

    Top 10 Weapons:
    10. Spartan Laser (Halo 3) - SHOOP-DA-WHOOP!!
    9. Lightning Gun (Quake series) - it's a gun that shoots lightning. What more could you ask for?
    8. Godsword (Runescape) - Yes. A weapon from Runescape. This bad boy was a PKer's dream, and could down the toughest of foes with ease. /mmo
    7. Ragnell (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance) - sure, you only had it for a couple of missions, but they were a glorious couple of missions
    6. Broken Butterfly (Resident Evil 4) - also known as the dezombiefyer
    5. Ripper (Dead Space) - the best invention since the Rocket-Propelled Chainsaw
    4. The Pistol (Halo:CE) - for when you absolutely, positively, had to make the other person die, and die quickly
    3. A321's Plasma Rifle (Fallout 3) - a gun that turns enemies into green goo. I smell a winrar!
    2. F.L.U.D.D. (Super Mario Sunshine) - who knew that water could be so badass?
    1. Incinerate (Bioshock) - Snap fingers. Ignite bad guys.

    Top 10 Levels/Missions:
    10. Take it Back! (Fallout 3) - one giant robot + lots of bad guys + a shoulder-mounted nuke launcher = one epic final level
    9. All Ghillied Up (Call of Duty 4) - some of the most enjoyable sniping and being a ninja I've ever had
    8. 3 Days of Excess (PMTTYD) - one mystery, one train, one giant moth-monster. lolwut?
    7. Sequence (Geometry Wars RE 2) - more like 20 levels, each more challenging and entertaining than the last
    6. Medical Pavilion (Bioshock) - where Rapture first showcases its twisted and corrupted face
    5. Fort Frolic (Bioshock) - becoming the hitman for a madman was fun while it lasted
    4. Recipie for Disaster (Runescape) - Yes. Runescape again. Saving the world, one food dish at a time
    3. Chapter 5-3 (Resident Evil 4) - "It" and Krauser all in one sitting brings about epicness on a grand scale
    2. Finding the Garden of Eden (Fallout 3) - paying a visit to and systematically cleaning out the home of the super mutants
    1. The Maw (Halo: CE) - the only time ever when running away wasn't a ***** move

    I will add more later.
  18. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    My Top Ten Playable Characters... And their games.

    1. Sora (Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2.. 3 Yet to be released)
    2. Leon (Resident Evil 4)
    3. Master Chief (Halo CE, 2, 3)
    4. My Gunz Character (Gunz)
    5. Yoshi (Super Smash Bros.)
    6. My Oblivion Charcter (Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion)
    7. Monitor (Halo 3 Forge)
    8. Frank West (Dead Rising)
    9. Alex Mercer (Prototype)
    10. Dude from BioShock (BioShock)

    And 11. Just for fun

    11. The guy from Star Ocean (Star Ocean)

    Which is alot like FF, but with more disks. =O 67 Hours of play, 5 Achievements
    #18 CombatGam3r, Jul 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2009
  19. KILLn Machine12

    KILLn Machine12 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    my top ten maps halo 3
    2.the pit- halo 3
    3.a heated rivalry- turok
    4.fuel depot- gow
    5.traing grounds-turok
    6.sandbox- halo 3
    7.the map where u can do drive by's and snipe in the motorcycle thing- cod3
    8.sentinel- turok
    9.lockout- halo2
    10.a map i forget its name- gow
  20. Zerosun

    Zerosun Ancient
    Senior Member

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    top 10 games

    10. Initial D
    9. Castle Crashers
    8. SSX Tricky
    7. Grand Turismo 4
    6. Super Smash Bros. Melee
    5. World Ends with You
    4. Kingdom Hearts series
    3. LoZ - Ocarina of Time
    2. Halo 3
    1. Final Fantasy X

    Lots of memorable scenes and great battle system/sphere grid make FFX my top game. Theres alot of other games that were good, but i dont remember. I had to think for the last few and i just put what i remembered.

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