What are you planning for the summer of 2009? I will be going to Destin, FL in June. I will also will go to other places, but I am am not sure yet. Maybe a water park or two.
Dude, holy ****, I used to live in Fort Walton Beach, which is right next to Destin. Anyways, I am going to New York with my dad for 2 weeks, and going to Warped Tour on July 24th. The rest is all unplanned lol.
Nothing really. Just going to do that same things i do every year. However ill have two part time jobs and going to spent time with Amber as much as possible this year.
Wow that's cool. I have been to Destin about 6 times. It's possible that I have seen you : O / : P. New York City or just New York? Watch out for Paulie Walnuttz, PlayerHata27, and xSharpshooter94. They live around there. EDIT @ KB: Boring summer is boring.
maybe Mlg toronto with natu, buffalo for football, toronto for the buffalo-miami game, and prob michigan.
And me. I'm going to Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh for six weeks for a design program. Then when I come back, the dreaded double sessions >.<
Waterpark Halo/gaming Going to my cousins for 30% of the summer Hanging out with my freinds That's basically it, will update as soon as I know my other plans.
Yayyy!!!! I'm like right outside Detroit... Good times. Oh and I've been to all those places in previous summers but me and my friends have a lot of plans... With one I have the summer of 21000 going where we're each planning to get an additional 21000 gamerscore... I'm also writing a StarWars book w/ my friend that's gonna start off with a Deax ex Machina of Mace Windu landing on a vehicle flying under the window he is thrown out of and waking up like 10 years later around the time of Episode 5. And on a more childish note I'm also gonna build an igloo out of orange jello and then when it falls in we're gonna shovel it into a kiddie pool and have jello wrestling w/ my hot neighbors... Should be fun.
Goin' back to the states!!! for about two weeks, then my friend's gona come back with me to hong kong... it's gona be freakin' amazing! i'll prbly go to six flags, the dells, or something sweet... then go to a bunch of awesome beaches here. but we still don't know if it'll work out, yet.
Get a job. Get ahead in Summer school (still haven't took keyboarding) Read Halo Pool! Friends/Mall/Parties ummmmm....... that's bout it.
Whiz Quiz tournament, tennis, camping trip through New Mexico and Colorado Possible: Sun Valley and Palm Springs.
I don't plan on going on a vacation since my family only goes on one ever 2 years, so I plan on a Video game filled holiday. I plan on playing Gears of War 2 Dark Corners Campaign and Forging up some maps to keep me occupied, and probably see movies and go Go-karting with my friends. All in all, relaxing is the name of the game for me this summer.
There's only one thing I definitely am going to try over the summer.. sleeping for two days straight. We'll see about that, though. As for everything else, it'll probably come along randomly, doing stuff with friends and just doing whatever comes along. I might be able to go to PAX, that'd be cool.
Untrue. The New Essential Chronolgy (see: NEC) verifies that Mace Windu did die from being thrown out of the window.
Gah! All you people actually plan your holidays? Honestly, people don't the meaning of free form lifestyle: Do what you want and whenever you want. Course, I've got a mother so there goes that ideal. I shall dream on.