That title says it all. How do you forge? I typically sit down for hours. I think my current record is like, 13 hours.
I go for long sit-downs. Most of my maps don't take like 28 hours or anything, but I'm not counting testing/fixing. If you go bit-by-bit, you end up not wanting to finish it.
Long sit-downs, but at the same time, bit by bit. I can go for 10 minutes just contemplating what I should place next. Also, I tend to slowly update my maps over and over at the discovery of a single, even minor flaw. This whole process often takes months.
GoodWhaleSushi is the best mapmaker ever. Seriously, he gets an Idea, and BAM! he's making some crazy map. No planning+whenever you feel like it+yes=AWESOME FORGE
Yeah, I tend to be the long sit down-type. It gets pretty pathetic sometimes. I forged A LOT recently, I'm talking two entire days of nothing but and my family really got on my case. I've decided to take a break for a while, despite the fact that I thought of a decent concept. I'll think it out for a bit.
i usually work for about 10mins then just around for an hour or 2 then get back to work then quit and over and over.. lol
I'd make a large portion of the map in one or two sittings but then I work bit by bit. I speant about a month on my map Boulevard. It isnt a very complicated map but I would spend a long time incorrecting all of the small errors. But I find that the long and sometimes hardest part of map making is the testing stage. Sometimes it can be hard to get a proper party together. So I tend to go bit by bit. My next map Pankration will be out soon, I'm up to testing it, working out the little kinks. If you'd like a sneak preview here's a pic But yeah, this map and most maps I made, I start work on the main structure and work around that bit by bit. I generally dont plan my maps a lot. I have a general theme, and I work around that, and it seems to work very well.
I tend to make maps bit by bit, though if I had the choice, I'd definitely prefer Forging in long sessions. I just never have more than an hour or two of free time. The one good thing about doing it bit by bit is that you always return to your map with a fresh perspective. Many times I've noticed errors in maps because of that, and the neatness of all of my maps shows for it. Of course, with the exception of Nooks&Crannies.
It's really interesting to hear how others do it. I guess it just goes to show how creatively different people are. I've tried doing bit by bit, but they only become marathon sessions because I keep saying to myself "lets just do this one more thing" and then that takes me like an hour and I'm like "oh well, might as well keep going"
I start off bit by bit, discouraged of seeing so much empty space, but once things start to appear, I sit down awhile to finish. My first map started from a 10 minute forge session, then like 30 minutes, 2 hours, to 5 hours.
I almost never forge, but when I do I go ballistic for 2 or 3 days and complete the map within the that time limit.
I work on it until my hands bleed! But, no I work for around as long as I can. i once have forged like 8-10 hours in one day. Usually my bro wants to play guitar hero or something, so I can't forge as much as I would like to.