How charmingly fascist. FYI, I pretty much figured that Sony would never be open to third-party devs after the malrky that was the PSP homebrew scene, so this seems like an adequate bite in the ass for them. Not that I'm condoning the hacking or anything.
I believe the correct term is "piss on face" yes... anyways I dont see it as karma I see it as how sony wasnt more protective like microsoft anyways,Sony You Should put on a you know what
I read somewhere that all the hackers had to do was get a special piece of hardware that Sony uses to make/modify PS3's. That's a pretty big issue considering that none of anyone's personal info was encrypted, it means that ANY Sony employee with access to that hardware had access to anyone on PSN's info, and could posibly even get it from home, aka on an unmonitored computer or PS3 (I'm not sure which they had to use the hardware with to access PSN). That is a HUGE security risk and I wouldn't be surprised if an investigation turned out people have already been leeching funds from customers. Several people within the company must have known how to do so if some random hackers do, and at least one person couldn't have been rust worthy.
I don't see why Sony should refund people because the service is free what do they need compensation for..
It sucks for PSN users and it's shameful for SONY to not have informed people sooner. Not sure whether this is true but I remember hearing/reading somewhere that SONY boasted that the PSN was "unhackable" which is just waving a red flag to a bull. Obviously; the challenge was accepted and fulfilled. If some people had their credit card details on their account, these details could have been accessed by the hackers. This is what people are saying should be compensated. I have a PSN account but I never use it and it's also an offline account; other than my name and such, there isn't any important details on there.
If you own any online game, you're essentially missing out on half the content the game offers. I don't think Sony really needs to refund anyone, but that's how they look at it and I think it speaks a lot about their integrity.
I feel that Sony should be giving nobody any money. They are gonna be spending millions fixing this and getting through lawsuits. I wouldn't be surprised if the make a more secure network they charge for
i like how many people here keep saying "i find it funny", while speaking from their xbox fanboy mindset. It's a little funny when you consider the events with sony for the past few months, there's a reason they didn't want their system cracked and this kind of thing is probably it. Just because it happened to Sony doesn't make Microsoft invincible or superior, and that mindset makes you no different than Sony for claiming their console was unhackable. Overall this is serious, and potentially REALLY serious. As gamers, you need to stop being cocks toward other consoles. ****'s stupid. I don't feel that Playstation owners should be compensated for their FREE service, instead they should want any money and concentration to go to a tightening of security and a guarantee to not let this happen again.
If money was charged on my credit card because Sony's security was not good enough then you bet your useless legs I'd want money from them, and lots of it. However, if my details were not taken and I've suffered in no other way than not being able to play online for a while, then yea, **** it. Not my problem. This just proves that I've been correct so far to only buy points or live via the cards they sell in shops. No chance of them getting any useful details off my account.
I don't have a PS3, but it still bums me out that people would do this. I know there's been a lot of issues with Sony recently, but when people go out and do this it ruins it for everyone. All Sony has to do is fix it, it isn't even that big of an inconvenience. Oh no, you just made the technicians do their job! All this effects is the people who just want to sit down and play a game.
@way well let's hope for sony it doesnt come down to that. it shouldnt, as theyre claiming. and yeah, buying the cards is the safest way to do it, and i bet more people will be doing that from now on
All major credit card companies have said that, as far as they can tell, no money has been taken from people's credit cards through the PSN. I don't really think the hacker did this to get rich, but rather just to make a point.
Sony should have expected it. Anonymous DDoSed Sony's website, what made Sony think that they wouldn't hack PSN too if they continued to make them angry? ( I'm not saying that it was Anon who hacked PSN, but Sony really should have expected it.)
The way I read it "Lets put aside our differences and join our forces together to beat the hackers it's the only way!" Not that i disagree just made me think how that would be a awesome movie plot PS3 and XBOX fanboys working together for the sake of online gaming. Anyway I dunno who did it havn't read much about it but some people been able to shut down PS3's online services is pretty scary first time it's ever happened that I know of?
You kind of summed up my feelings on the matter. Which is the reason why I didn't post in the thread prior. I don't own a PS3 but that doesn't mean it's not a good gaming platform. My thoughts on the PSN shutdown; it sucks but I mean it could have happened to any big corporation. Microsoft is just as susceptible to such an "attack" but hopefully Sony will set a good precedent and strive to improve the security of said networks.
Theory: Microsoft did it in order to monopolize on the online multiplayer experience, why do you think they're raising their prices?