Sdrakulich and I were thinking of creating a thread that would host tutorials, graphic tutorials that would be found on this site. This would host anything from basic, new user tutorials to even the hardest to master tutorials. All we need is people to help and submit tutorials every once in a while. Any tutorial will do as long as it is ran by me or Sdrakulich first. Also, anyone who wants to help could also help. So what is your opinion? Should we do this or is this a bad idea?\ Also, please state your opinion and if you would help. The more help we get, the more tutorials we could manage. Remember, this is also to help all of the sites beginning and even advanced graphics artists.
we would also take requests, and pair up (hopefullly) with other tut makers from before, and make tutorials that have been requested!
Hmm, well, in my opinion its tough to start a tut database because you really have to test a tutorial out to make sure it actually looks good and everything. It'd be hard to get a good collection of good tutorials. But, I say go right ahead.
Well, we have a lot of advanced users on here and tutorials on basics are easier to make. We're really asking for all the of members of the sites help with this. It's just that I noticed a lot of tutorials on the site lately.
I had this idea for a while and their is even a section on my website about this. pm if you want to know da url But yes, a thread, possibly. But you know people would respond without a tutorial and then it's just bothersome. If anything create threads for each one, and link to it in a thread. ask for a lock and sticky.
Yea, bout that last part. I asked Penguish about it and he hasn't talked to the staff about it at all. That was my original idea, but this idea seems a little more community based
Well, there would be a group of people that say if the tutorial gets though. Anyways, most tutorials would be made carefully by the members and I'm sure they wouldn't want any flaws.
we have been thinking of making links to the Original Threads, and then not lock, but yes, would be a community thread, where people ask for stuff....yo could we implement like a way to be able to delete crap posts on your OWN thread....that would be good....... anyways, if anyone could find some tuts, request, or make, that would be awesome!!!
It's the community. The community will post good or bad and the community that is in charge won't have the proper tools to moderate. :-/
i have been talking to FBU about getting lion to install a new mod on the like so that select members could edit posts on their own thread
I think it's a great idea. A lot of the FH members that do the shops and stuff have a lot of cool effects and BG's that they do. A lot of them are better than half the stuff I find on google so yeah I think it would be awesome. You would need a sticky for it to work though.
I have failed at life ... please ... don't flame me more than is necessary ... Spoiler Can I have Recon Armor Plez! (˜˜˜||˜˜˜˜||˜˜˜˜˜)_?__________ Spoiler l 2012_________.`=====.-.~:________\___|================[00] |_|||___/___/_/~```|_|_|_|``(o)----------<)
this seems like a good idea, i have a tutlorial for you