Is there something you absolutely don't get in today's Forge creations? Are there certain items or structures that make you want to tear your eyes out? Is there anything in particular that begs the question "why the fxxx did he do this?"? If you answered yes to any or all of the above, please feel free to share your worst pet peeve of Forge! MINE: Something I don't understand is when corner walls are placed on the map without any merging or interlocking. You know, when they just kind of stand there.
I hate it when you perfectly interlock something, then you save and quit. When you start it again, you see that it is out of place. That really pisses me off.
I would have to say when objects are geomerged for no particular reason. It's ok if they're supposed to be something, then that's ok, but otherwise, forget it. Also, about the corner wall thing, my friend, his step-bro, and I made an ok map with them on their side like ramps, and I don't think it's too bad. If you want to see the map, download from : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share. BTW, it's from my friend's File Share but me(Lcarnacieg), Sudd3n Sh0ck, and Calamity Strike made it.
Overload of movable scenery, I HATE it. I especially hate when there's concrete barriers lying all over the place. And then, last one, when people put doors/switches that aren't even very effective on serious maps.
When people think the decent-good maps they made are the ****. Like no; it's okay but theres room for improvement. Get over yourself. lol.
Mine is probably when your interlocking, and it looks really perfect, but its off by the smallest margin. And just when playing, mine is when I don't have full magazine
When you make an awsome geomerge or interlock and its absomutely PERFECT then when your deleting the marker or teleporter, you accidentally delete it without saving. OMG It makes me want to hate master chief.
When someone makes a map and adds teleporters all over the place. When someone can't come up with something to put somewhere, so they throw a bunch of dumpsters or crates to fill the empty space.
When your holding an item and you go to delete it and it deletes everything underneath it instead of the actual item.
I for one have a lot of pet peeves on forging a good map. 1. Good Gameplay! 2. Nice strategic placement of high ground if any 3. Good Gameplay. 4. Map theme that goes with description. (just a little habit of mine.) 5. Did I mention Good Gameplay enough?
When people don't geo-merge everything to the ground. IDK why it makes me so mad, because I don't do it.
Probably my worst is when I spend a ton of time getting something straight on the map, and then come back after reloading it, and seeing that it really isn't straight.
Mine is probably when your geomerge goes just a little to far. like it goes off a tiny bit. Then you have to start all over.
(I agree with most of the above.) I would have to say when kids make boxramps and other types of walkways and ramps and theres a huge a$$ bump. Fix it if it has a bump.