- You weld a gatling gun to the back of your truck. - You think "1337-speak" is the Sangheili language. - You buy a telescope to find a giant ring in the night sky. - You name your computer "Cortana". - You ask for a MAC cannon for Christmas. - XBox Live becomes "the real world". - You buy Flash memory cards expecting to be able to plug them into your head. - You start seeing a crosshair in front of your eyes. - You try to "corpse-hump" sleeping people. - You ask to swap weapons with someone on the street. - You injure yourself while trying to "crouch-jump". - .... more than 10 times. - You can't resist smashing every Funyun and Onion Ring you see. - You want to modify your computer chair so that it floats. - You drive your car into the ocean looking for the invisible wall. - You're always on the lookout for dropships. - "Going on a vacation" means "new map". - You practice grenade-throwing with imaginary grenades. - .... in public. -You hear on the news a flood is coming and you stock up on shotgun shells -You shoot two people in paintball and call it a double kill -You start throwing those velcro balls as your friends and yell STUCK!! HAHAHAHHA -You get hit by someone in a game of dodgeball and call them a camper and a n00b You live recklessly, thinking you'll respawn if you die. You get a picture of the master chief tatooed on your back. You climb to weird places, like the top of your house, looking for eggs. You detonate a pile of grenades under your car while you're standing on the roof. Anyone who can run faster than you is a "modder." You work at Bungie. you know you played too much halo 2 when you dare to jump off high places because there's no more fall damage - When someone says; "You look like you've seen a ghost." You expect one to boost around the corner at any second. - While visiting a zoo/sanctuary or even on the beach, you see human dropships gliding over the water. - When one refers to 'the games' elite(s)' you think of the Sangheili CONTINUE THE LIST
i dont really do any of those. but i have however. after playing halo for long periods of time, tend to hear recharging shields out of knowere in the back of my head. I swear, i was tripping out one time cause im just sitting there with some friends driving somewere and out of nowhere i hear *Peeuuuuuuuuuummmmm* like the overshield does. i was like "WHOOAT THA HELLZ?"
I once played super smash bros(original) so much over one weekend, that I kept hearing "Winner!" and "Failure!" for a couple days. BTW, the way he says Failure, is absolutely perfect. BTW, Askar beeyatch!
BTW, He does have a certain way of saying Failure that makes you feel all fuzzy inside. BTW. congrats on getting Askar beeyatch! ....BTW, with this here post i am one step closer to achieving Askar myself
You see a pregnant woman holding a shotgun to her belly and when you ask what she's doing she says "Shhh, I'm spawn camping!".
hahahhahahahahhahahahahhaha omg. That little joke made my day haha. Now THATS how you know youve played too much halo.
Pff. Only Askar, and you celebrate? You have much to learn, young padawan. And that joke was possibly the lamest yet truest thing about Halo.
YOU STOLE MY JOKE!!!! give it back!!! wahh!!!!! anyway, you know you play too much halo when... - when you lose a fight you blame lag - When you wake up next to a ugly chick naked and say "what a **** spawn" -you know you play to much halo when your in math class and the teachers tell you that there is a suprise quiz and you yell "veto!"
Well back when i used to play halo 2 i once played literally for like 36 hours straight lol and then when i got off i went to talk someone and i was pressing my thumb pretending to press the white button(to talk) lol
Fine, I suppose I will add to this horrible joke. You know you've played Halo too much if you have a profile on some obscure Halo-related forums that has 1000+ posts.
"Flag Taken" "Flag Dropped" "Flag Taken" "Flag Dropped" "Flag Taken" "Flag Dropped" "Flag Taken" "Flag Dropped" "Flag Taken" "Flag Captured" Do not, by any means, play MLG CTF before going to bed. The announcer guy will f up your dreams.