I honestly dont like sandbox at all. I alsop dont like any of the objects or the scenery or geometry of the map.
Bungie probably has the most insane artist team. They over texturize everything they possibly can. See that wall, it doesn't have a scratch in it, it has 23. See that Spartans mask it has, 12 scratches, 2 dents, a smudge, some dirt, 7 more scratches, and it is still 100% visible from the outside, and reflects an image. See that grenade, dang its brand new and its got 7 scratches. See that wall, it wasn't cut by a laser, a saw, it was cut by a chisel, not only that it wasn't even sand papered, no wonder the damn thing looks so bumpy. Long story short: Needz less interlockzorz texturez.