Hey guys I was just watching a video posted here http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/101653-forge-video-thread.html#post1219858 And in the IGN preview video, at around 1:35 you can see the forger in ball mode in the area Torque66 is talking about, but it is called "OUT OF BOUNDS" and you are given 10 seconds to go back into the battlefield. In conclusion, I don't believe that it is possible to forge in that area, maybe it was just a quick camera view.
at this point, he is also talking about how you can section off parts of the map, suggesting you can reach that point, but it had been 'sectioned off' on that map; he was most likely on hemmorage. I don't think the clip you are mentioned proves anything about whether or not you can go up there.
well from what the clip shows the area is called "OUT OF BOUNDS" in the bottom, if it were sectioned off wouldn't it still show for example "The Rock", "the Island", etc.?
I believe if you go out of bounds anywhere it overrides the current callout. What would the point of knowing where you are be if you're out of bounds anyway?
Well the sectioning off part, is for when you are on foot during a game. In one other video you can see Chris leaving a safe barrier in a falcon and nothing pops up. but rather in the video I linked to, the forger is in ball mode, and floating in the out of bounds area, meaning you can't forge in that area. I recall also the Bungie ViDoc saying how they put "5 maps into one" meaning the 5 main areas: canyon, island, Colosseum, quarry, and the rock are possibly the only areas in which you could forge.
yeah, but remember the space inbewtween them. its not like they squished 5 maps together, they added more stuff like the lagoon and hopefully Forge Mt.
I'm pretty sure that while in forgeworld, the kill barriers you place don't apply to you until you play a game. It's sad but it's probably true that we can't go into that area.
When they were first showing off Forge World at the Comicon panel they placed a kill barrier and flew through it moments later. Forge = no.
I wonder if the safezone can be extended into the bungie prescribed soft kill zones to allow access.. Given a second grader would try that I doubt it. bungies pretty good at keeping us out unless we overload the map... and something tells me with all they have done overloading forgeworld may not be a good idea.