:frustrated::frustrated::frustrated:DO YOU WANT TO BE MY REVIEW FRIEND?:frustrated::frustrated::frustrated: You may know me as the kid who moved to China or originator of the Sky Island series... ... ...OR you may not know me at all... If you don't know me then click here for a little info. anyways, I just edited my friends list and took out anyone I didn't know... Which was everyone except for like 10 people. I added some forgehub friends, but I still need more. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What I'm Looking For: People who are willing to help test my maps Preferably people who live in Asia (so they're on when I am) People who aren't under 14 years old. They get really annoying. If You Want To Be My Friend, Then... Tell me and I can send you a friend request on xbox LIVE OR send me a friend request (to ER1C0) saying you saw this thread on Forgehub __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (I added colors and different fonts just to make it more interesting...) p.s. I don't want to use The Guild because I would have to plan times and it just seems to be very overwhelming... I'd rather just be able to grab a group of friends and test a map for 5 minutes. THANKS! Oh yeah, I thought this was the best place to put this... please message me if I'm wrong. . . . EDIT: I am also willing to review anything for you, so it's kind of a win-win situation.
i'll do it. i can get on in like 5 hours. have whatever you need ready and ill test with you. my gt is same as my name on here: The Spartan III
I didn't really have the time, and now i live in asia and I'd have to wake up at like 5 in the morning. lol, i'm too lazy.
I'd be glad to test any maps. I feel the same way about the testers guild thing... I'm on Xbox Live a good bit of the time, and I'm usually just messing around in forge or something, not usually playing matchmaking unless I'm with friends so you so definitely add me. My gamertag is the same as my name on here.