Yoinks...are they ethical?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Frozenlynx, Apr 19, 2011.


Is it okay to Yoink! a kill from someone?

  1. I love it! It's funny and I get a kill out of it

  2. Yes, in certain situations

  3. Not really, but it happens

  4. Never- it's wrong and you shouldn't do it

  5. Don't care

  1. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I never intentionally yoink unless the teammate requires it (perhaps it was accidental and other opponents begin shooing). And the whole "If I was shooting first I deserve the kill" argument isn't really a valid universal argument. I can't count the number of times I shot at an enemy first but they end victorious - That's one of the great aspects of Halo. And in a few cases, a teammate will save me by assassinating the enemy. I'm thankful for that, and won't sully such an action with a Yoink.
  2. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    I'm not a fan of the yoink at all, avoiding intentionally yoinking at almost any cost. The "It's my kill, I shot him more" argument really doesn't apply, as it is TEAM slayer, and somebody on your team got the kill, so...where's the problem? Concerned with the meaningless number that is K/D?
    As a Matchmaking Gold Rear Admiral I get annoyed at intentional yoinks. Unintentional or if I jump into a mosh pit of grenades I'm not really surprised if it happens, but my team got the kill at least.
    Multi-Team where neither players are on your team and Rumble Pit, it's fair game. FFA, he's mine if I can get him first. Team games, I avoid yoinking teammates. If I do, I swear it was an accident!
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Ask Reflex about my viewpoint on yoinking...

    But honestly, if you don't want to get yoinked then don't do the animation. If you care more about the kill (which you obviously do if you're complaining about yoinking) then just melee and get the insta-kill. If you want to risk getting yoinked for the sake of seeing the assassination then it's a risk you chose to run and, imo, you have no right to complain if it happens.

    Basically, don't complain about having your kill stolen if it was fully within your power to definitely get said kill for yourself but you deliberately didn't do so. I get that sometimes the animation is accidental, but tbh I don't think that's a massively widely applicable excuse, I've done the animation accidentally fewer than 10 times in just short of 4000 games. On the off chance someone was doing it accidentally then yeah it's more justified to be pissed, but you still can't deny you made a mistake and so at least part of the onus was on you to not do that, and as I said it either happens very rarely and so shouldn't really be a source for complaint or you're just not being very careful about how you press the button.
  4. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I will always yoink in Rumble Pit and SWAT.

    As for other playlists, then it depends on two things: What mood I'm in and how idiotic the player getting the assassination is.

    As you can see, too much thought goes into the yoink, so by the time I make a decision, it's too late.
  5. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    There are commendations involved too, Peg. Any chance I can get to inch it upwards is welcome.
  6. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yoinking itself isn't all bad. It's pretty funny, actually. It can help get a teammate out of a bad situation, it'll get you a kill, and give the other an assist. So not bad in that respect.


    When I ninja someone, and someone else thinks it funny to take that joy away from me, I just want to toss them into the engine of an airplane. I mean HONESTLY.
  7. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Ethical, no. Productive, yes
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    True, but I feel that this is comparable to expecting others not kill people that you're shooting at with a vehicle so you can go for the Mobile Asset commendation. Totally fair that you're going for commendations, but expecting others to step aside in letting you get there, or rather complaining when they don't, just seems a step further if you ask me. I know this isn't what you personally are saying, just a comment in general on this aspect of the discussion.

    In general, I just think that people claiming it's wrong because it reduces their enjoyment is kinda odd. I mean, being killed reduces my enjoyment of the game, but I don't expect enemies to leave me be for my benefit. I know it's a team mate rather than an enemy, but the basic principle stands that your fundamental objective in Halo is to kill enemy players, and there's a kill right there, deliberately not getting it for the sake of someone else's enjoyment is pretty much the same as letting an enemy get away so they don't suffer being killed.
  9. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    A yoint is just your teamate making up for the time you are wasting by special assassinating, and probably saving your ass at the same time to be completely honest.

    Simple solution:

    #29 Blaze, Apr 20, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2011
  10. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
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    play Gears of War and then come back and talk about stealing kills in a game where there aren't quite so many as 15-20-30 etc. You earn those kills, then some douche comes up and is like... nope
  11. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Every time I assassinate, it seems like just about anyone nearby (randoms and friends alike) immediately turn and being meleeing my kill or shooting at it. I light-heatedly talk **** to them about it, but it never really gets to me. In turn, I'll do the same if there's time and the enemy team isn't nearby to interfere.

    Plus, it's hilarious when randoms get super pissed and begin chasing me around, trying to break my shields, while I hump-jump around them or stand on their head.
  12. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    I noticed that a lot of people are bringing up the elaborate assassination aspect of this. In many cases, it's the proper and preferred choice. In objective games, it's most always the best thing to do (given that doing so won't prevent you from stopping another enemy after your objective). The reasoning for this, as trivial as i may seem, is that it takes up and extra second of that persons time to achieve their goal. I can't say how many games I've won because the enemy was literally a second away from winning when the timer ended. The other apect, which applies more to slayer games, is that it's far more efficient than a normal assassination. The angle in which an elaborate assassination applies is far greater than a normal assassination. I can't be sure on the exact measurement, but I believe it's 180 degrees for the elaborate assassination and only 120 for the normal back-smack.
    So long as the assassination isn't harming our team, which, most of the time it doesn't, I won't go for a "yoink!".
  13. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
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    in the middle of a firefight, i will yoink a kill to get a team mate back shooting at other opponents, especially if i already had the guy low. If we are not being shot at by more people, then no i won't try to yoink at all.
  14. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Ninjas are the only time I actually use the animation, and I HATE people who yoink someone who gets a ninja.

    But i'll yoink someone to save their ass if they decided it was a good idea to do the animation amidst 4 people.
  15. Warriorii

    Warriorii Forerunner

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    Yoinks are pretty funny, but once it happens to you, you might have a different story. Once, I threw a plasma grenade up the spire lift and got a yoink and spent the next 10 minutes being barraged with a plethora of hate messages from my teammate. So, I would say, no.
  16. AMac

    AMac Ancient
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    Do I really need to tell you my opinion?
  17. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Sweet, I only have one less yoink than the self-proclaimed yoink master.
  18. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    115 Yoinks to date, come at me.
  19. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    If it's anything close to a serious game and you go for the animation, you deserve to be yoinked just so the kill is finished faster. If it's not a serious game, calm down and stop caring about "your kill."
  20. Negrumir

    Negrumir Forerunner

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    If it's with friends, I yoink to be an ass because I know them.

    If it's with randoms, I yoink to be an ass because I don't know them.


    Once, this guy had betrayed a few guys on our team and was generally hogging power weapons and hiding or just being stupid. Well he assasinated someone so I teabagged in front of him until the last second (once the targets shield pops) and yoinked him. I then proceeded to teabag the body which was also taunting my team mate. He hit me so I hit him back, he hit me once more and I died so I booted him.

    Immature, yes, **** move, yes, do I care, no.

    People yoink me all the time, I just get over it, they should too.

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