MLG Yoink v2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by SuperbKaji, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. SuperbKaji

    SuperbKaji Forerunner

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    Yoink v2 (Requesting feedback!)

    Rendered walkthrough video: : Halo Reach : File Details


    v2 at: : Halo Reach : File Details

    Capture the Flag
    King of the Hill
    Slayer (Team and FFA)

    (We are open to name changes)

    Yoink is a map On1y On3 and I have been working on for quite sometime now. We come to forgehub hoping we will get some insight on to how to improve our map.

    Any and all criticism will not be taking lightly, for we are looking to vastly improve our forging, so please, check out the map and the screenshots, I will have videos and walkthroughs up shortly.



    v2 Added:
    KotH Support
    CTF Support
    Oddball Support
    Updated Spawns
    Updated Weapons
    #1 SuperbKaji, Sep 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 19, 2010
  2. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Once, we have defined guidelines from MLG that distinguish MLG maps from competitive maps, we will be sure and update the rule-set for the MLG section. Please keep in mind, what I just said may not be the case and we may enforce our previous MLG map rules from the Halo 3 map forums until MLG actually release details. Once I confer with the other staff on this issue I'll have an answer for you guys.

    General inquiry, not pertaining to the map specifically. I understand your reasoning.

    Offtopic and could have been reported via reported posts.

    This post makes absolutely no sense and is spam.
  3. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This post makes me want to savor the taste of the tangy sweet metal of a 12 gauge barrel.

    In general I don't really believe that the ruleset for MLG should affect your map design in any way. Sure some weapons might have to be swapped out but a good competitive map is a good competitive map. Regardless of the weapons or damage.

    As for the map, it is much too open. If those teleporters lead into each other then that is also a very bad idea, you will have people running there off the spawn and constantly coming up behind you. And that creates a camp the teleporter style game play which disrupts map flow.

    Also I can see trying to anywhere on this map could be a pain because of all the open space, while too much cover or lazy cover can create clutter (and screen lag for that matter), too little can hurt the movement because no one will want to actually make pushes for fear of being out in the wide open.

    This also hurts team spawning in games because you want people to spawn with relative safety on a map. I'm not saying that you should spawn in a fortified bunker every time you spawn, but you want to give players a fighting chance to regroup off their spawn.

    Anyways just a few things I thought should be pointed out, there are more but those are the ones that really struck me.
  4. iFurness

    iFurness Forerunner

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    I'll try to be constructive here.

    Nicely forged, however a few things don't quite work out...


    The teleporters leading into each other led to some crazy spawn killing and flanking beyond belief, which believe me was very irritating.

    The power weapons were quite badly thought out, mainly the energy sword due to the fact that if you went near it you got headshotted from all directions.

    Flow was an issue, partly because of the amount of open and partly because you'd push up to the top of the map grab the power weapons and then hit the edge of the map and go "Okay, where to?" leading to a sense of endless repetition of push up then die...

    Cover... Where is it? During a CTF playtest nobody scored because every time somone took the flag they got blown to bits from all sides. I couldn't move and if I could it was quite limited...See above.

    Other than that it's an aesthetically nice map with a good concept and quite well forged but it lacked fun and flow.


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