What's up guys?! I'm Rawb or Anubus Bk, I suck at forging but I enjoy giving out Ideas for new maps and creating game types. I am a 50, I used to be very competive but ehh decided to just chill back play some infection and escape from MLG for a bit and maybe learn how to forge haha. I was really good at making maps on Farcry Predator and Farcry 2 but I don't play them as much because Farcry 2 isn't nearly as fun as Farcry Predator but oh well, Anyways I'm new here im really hoping to meet some cool people, play some cool forging maps, and some INFECTION Add me! :lol:
Welcome to forgehub, you sound pretty cool, just a heads up, read the rules before you post, save yourself from infractinos. hope to see you around.
Nah, a good amount of people here aren't too good at forge. Anyway welcome and hopefully you enjoy your time here.
welcome! Yeah, im still pretty shitty at forge But, you will learn. A tip tho, Get Involved! Do TGIF's and **** and you will love it here! Again, welcome, hope you like FH
Wassup dawg, Welcome To Fo'ge Hibbity Hub yo, check out all the hatin' rulez her befo ya post anythang, ya heard? =)
Welcome to forgehub good sir. I hope you have a great time here and become part of our lovely community. If you need any help direct yourself towards this thread. It will give you all the information you need. If there is anything you don't understand, then please, feel free to Private or Visitor message me. Once again I hope you enjoy your stay.
I also am not the greatest forger around .....im not even known by most people. But i can honestly say im getting better with practise, here at forgehub just don't be afraid to ask questions no matter how stupid they are (as long as there within the rules) When i first came here i knew nothing, so you cant be worse than me :happy: