sorry about posting a halo related thread but i figured this was halo 1 and not 3 so i thought it was acceptable.... but anyway do any of you guys play halo pc anymore? because if any of you do i will be happy to play with you sometime plus i have a ton of converted halo CE maps that will work on halo PC . i have some cool modded maps as well. if you give me your IP address i will play with ya sometime.i will be playing for about a week or two intill i get xbox live again so in till than im available . (not modded maps are halo CE maps which is legal) plus if you don't want to play on my server feel free to play with someone else because im sure at least a few of you still play . that way you can find allot of different people to play with
I used to. I liked downloading all these mods and hacks (third person, flycam, aimbot just for fun) and halo ce was great you could make anything except change gameplay mechanics.
Occasionally, but it is so laggy. Its a bit of fun, but playing on xbl is funner, so i don't do it anymore... probably been 2 months since i last played halo pc
I played it a lot a long time ago but the last time I played it was before Halo 3 came out, I liked using mods, I made some as well.
I have never played it .. I guess its a little too late to start as halo 3 is awesome and xbl is a lot less laggy ..