Yin Yang Well during the weekend Ed Wins, my brother, and myself were really bored, and decided "If all the damn 12 year olds can make a forge map, why can't we." . We chose to make it where we hadn't seen maps made before, the beach. We made the map with the intent of it being (perfectly) symmetrical ( Or as perfect as we could, or cared to make it ) The end result isn't to bad, though I'm still working on adding game types, and improving game play. It took us roughly 15 hours total, but it could still use some testing. Any feedback would be great! And now for some screenshots of the map (Sorry about the quality) : Red Base Blue Base (Thumbnail) There is an elevator system inside the towers that will take you to the top. Middle Bridge (Blue side) Middle Bridge (Red side) Rockets spawn here. Sandbag wall (red side has one too) General layout *Note: I removed the custom power-ups, so pay no attention to them* Action shots: I added a Lighting effect for infection I hope you enjoy, and feedback is always great ^_^ Download link incase you missed it: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
you finaly posted it yeah guys try it it is really beast! Especially in infection, it is really dark and scary lol